[Air-l] Zotero and sharing saved web pages & notes

irina g irinag at u.washington.edu
Thu May 10 17:38:41 PDT 2007


I am currently writing my dissertation and Zotero has been an amazing  
resource! One thing that I found really helpful is that you can  
install portable Firefox on a USB drive, which then lets you take  
your Zotero wherever you go. As far as I know, there is no way to  
send your files through an online interface, but at least you can  
load your Zotero refs. onto other computers, including your colleagues'.

On May 10, 2007, at 11:00 AM, Frank Thomas wrote:

> I just started to use Zotero and am delighted how easy it is to  
> save web
> pages and publications, include references and notes, and export  
> into my
> EndNote reference manager. Now I want to share my grabs with my
> colleagues. I think they have not yet attacked the sharing of saved
> pages and annotations. Or do I miss something ?
> Regards,
> Frank Thomas
> -- 
> ..........................................
> Dr. Frank Thomas
> FTR Internet Research
> 93110 Rosny-sous-Bois
> France
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