[Air-L] Grooming, Gossip, Facebook and Myspace: What Can We Learn About Social Networking Sites from Non-Users etc.

Nicole Ellison nellison at msu.edu
Fri Nov 2 05:51:42 PDT 2007

Zeynep and others -
You might be interested in a piece by Judith Donath in the latest  
issue of JCMC which covers very similar topics: http:// 

As I mentioned, not all the articles are live, but the abstracts are  
on the home page so you can get an idea of what's included in the  
special section on SNSs edited by danah boyd and myself: http:// 
jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/. I'll send a quick note when they are  
all up.


- Nicole

On Nov 1, 2007, at 10:15 AM, Zeynep Tufekci wrote:

Hi All,

I just wanted to share two papers about SNS (responding to danah's
call). One of them, "Can You See Me Now? Audience and Disclosure
Regulation in Online Social Network Sites,"
is at the pre-publication state and is available here:
The other is under review so I've included only the abstract below.
Please send me an email if you would like a copy of that paper when I
start circulating it.


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