[Air-L] Best practices in online outreach and activism across multiple cultures

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Wed Oct 8 05:48:51 PDT 2008

Dear AIR Colleagues,

I'm asking this question on behalf of the International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War (<http://ippnweupdate.wordpress.com/>
and <http://ippnw.org>).  As you can probably imagine, this group
mobilizes physicians and medical students from around world to abolish
nuclear weapons.  They also work to prevent injuries caused by
conventional weapons.

IPPNW (with a little help from yours truly) is currently looking at
the way that it uses online resources for outreach, activism,
advocacy, and organizing among its stakeholders.  While the physicians
and medical students share the experience of a medical education, they
are not all from a single culture and do not all speak English as a
first language.  Therefore the team at the international office is
looking for best practices in online outreach, activism, advocacy, and
organizing across multiple cultures.

Any suggestions?  Links to peer-reviewed research and how-to manuals
would be extremely welcome.

Many thanks and best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Skype:  Deborah909
Twitter: Deborah909
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah909

"Nothing softeneth the Arrogance of our Nature
like a Mixture of some Frailties. It is by them
that we are best told, that we must not strike
too hard upon others....They pull our Rage by
the sleeve and whisper Gentleness to us in our
-George Savile (1633 - 1695)

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