October 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Oct 1 03:40:33 PDT 2008
Ending: Fri Oct 31 10:38:06 PDT 2008
Messages: 215
- [Air-L] OT request: CMC textbooks?
Alex -Vipowernet
- [Air-L] Open source literature
Angela Adkins
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Semenov Alexander
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Ben Anderson
- [Air-L] [CFP] HCII 2009: Usability and Sociability in Computer Games and Virtual Worlds
Jimmy Ang
- [Air-L] e-poetry 2009 cfp (dec. 1 deadline)
Charles Baldwin
- [Air-L] call for book reviewers: resource center for cyberculturestudies
Trudy Barber
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 51, Issue 31
Bates, Benjamin J
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] OT request: Gender Communication textbooks?
Stephanie Bennett
- [Air-L] New book on copyleft, open source and computer code
Dr. David Berry
- [Air-L] MA Digital Media (Swansea University, Wales, UK)
Dr. David Berry
- [Air-L] deadline extended: AAAI-SSS-09: Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0
Uldis Bojars
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-L] practical communication question
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-L] AoIR Copenhagen photos
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude
Pam Brewer
- [Air-L] IR9 Slideshare group
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] LiveJournal Academic Research Bibliography
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude
Gordon Carlson
- [Air-L] Ethics and retrospective consent
Gordon Carlson
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
Gordon Carlson
- [Air-L] Net Surfers Redux?
Steve Cavrak
- [Air-L] Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph
Steve Cavrak
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
Robin Cheesman
- [Air-L] Local content, interactivity, geotagging, donating, advocacy, and more
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] Deadline extended: Culture of Virtual Worlds issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Mia Consalvo
- [Air-L] CFP: Race, Ethnicity, and (New) Media
Katerina Diamantaki
- [Air-L] Urban Informatics Reference
William Dutton
- [Air-L] OII Search for a Research Fellow to focus on Online Relationships
William Dutton
- [Air-L] New ECAR student survey released - focus on SNSs
Nicole Ellison
- [Air-L] Looking for lit on SNSs and politicals
Nicole B Ellison
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Tobias Escher
- [Air-L] FW: The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual. Symposium 23/04/2009 -paper deadline 30/11/08
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Call for Papers related to computer-mediated communication
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] "Hack the Debate" - Twitter and CurrentTV join together
Anders Fagerjord
- [Air-L] Urban Informatics Reference
Anders Fagerjord
- [Air-L] Online version of conference program available
Vidar Falkenberg
- [Air-L] Net Surfers Redux?
Karen Farquharson
- [Air-L] Best practices in online outreach and activism across multiple cultures
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Ingbert Floyd
- [Air-L] Ethics and retrospective consent
Ingbert Floyd
- [Air-L] Fwd: Book: The Atlas of Cyberspace
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Google Policy Fellowship
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Collaborative Information Behavior - Call for Chapters
Jonathan Foster
- [Air-L] AoIR IR 9.0 panel: Scholarly Publishing in Transition
Marcus Foth
- [Air-L] Making Links 2008
Marcus Foth
- [Air-L] i³ Conference - Preliminary Announcement
Kate Friday
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-L] Can someone point me to a good open source reference citation program that works?
Martin Garthwaite
- [Air-L] Call for posters for LOLcat art show - Oct 23
Marianne L. Goldin
- [Air-L] AIIP Technology Award Nominations Due Friday, 10/10/08
Mark Goldstein
- [Air-L] CfP: CHI 09 workshop - Social Mediating Technologies: Developing the Research Agenda (deadline Oct 23)
Victor M. Gonzalez
- [Air-L] The Vulnerable Researcher and the IRB
Kathie Gossett
- [Air-L] undergrad internet & society courses in comm depts in US?
Kathie Gossett
- [Air-L] simple network analysis tool
Mariana Goya
- [Air-L] Can someone point me to a good open source reference citation program that works?
Chuck Graham
- [Air-L] job posting
qCentral/Mary L. Gray
- [Air-L] ITA 09: 8th-11th September 2009: Wrexham, North Wales, UK.
Vic Grout
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Social network sites on IR9 (was: Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph)
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Links, tags, and the wiki at IR9 (oh, my!)
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] AoL Search Data Redux
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Participation inequality - querying the crowd
Derek Hansen
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Mohammad H. Hasani
- [Air-L] undergrad internet & society courses in comm depts in US?
Jay Al Hashal
- [Air-L] Avant Garde art & Open Source Programming
Niels Hendriks
- [Air-L] BlogBoat 1.0 - Dan Gillmor - future scenarios for online journalism
Niels Hendriks
- [Air-L] Participation inequality - querying the crowd
Bernie Hogan
- [Air-L] New Blog
Heather Horst
- [Air-L] OT request: Gender Communication textbooks?
John B. White, PhD
- [Air-L] ground transport
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] The Future is Prologue: New Media, New Histories? - ICA Pre-conference announcement
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
- [Air-L] practical communication question
- [Air-L] IR 9 on twitter
- [Air-L] Fwd: <nettime> Who is The World For
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Jeffrey Keefer
- [Air-L] AoIR Copenhagen photos
Marj Kibby
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
Marj Kibby
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
Marj Kibby
- [Air-L] ground transport (in Cph)
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] How to get to the Cph conf venue + airport-hotel info
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] Social network sites on IR9 (was: Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph)
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] BOFs (interest group meet-ups) and informal meetings at IR9
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] IR9: how should I pack for Cph? Umbrella or moonboots?
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] IR9 Cph: informal get-together in town tonight
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] CFP: Symposium title: Race, Ethnicity, and (New) Media April 30-May 2, 2009
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] FW: Job announcement: Northwestern University
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] undergrad internet & society courses in comm depts in US?
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
I Kushchu
- [Air-L] Participation inequality - querying the crowd
Sam Ladner
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Carlota Larrea
- [Air-L] "Hack the Debate" - Twitter and CurrentTV join together
Margaret D Lattimore
- [Air-L] Utrecht University Phd Position "Learning and socialisation, new media and migrant youth"
Koen Leurs
- [Air-L] Call for Contribution to the 4th Oekonux Conference - Free Software and Beyond | The World of Peer Production
Yuwei Lin
- [Air-L] CFP: 5th International Conference on e-Social Science
Yuwei Lin
- [Air-L] Urban Informatics Reference
Brian Loader
- [Air-L] getting bad for universites and researchers in italy
- [Air-L] Ethics and retrospective consent
Kris M. Markman
- [Air-L] OT request: Gender Communication textbooks?
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-L] LiveJournal Academic Research Bibliography
Alice E. Marwick
- [Air-L] State of the Blogosphere / 2008
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] arXiv Repository Hits Milestone
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Not Just Facebook: Niche Online Social Networks?
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Social Networking On Campus : ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2008
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Publishing sessions
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] Looking for lit on SNSs and politicals
John McNutt
- [Air-L] Deadline Extended for the Gary Gumpert Research Incentive Prize
John Monberg
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] Copenhagen
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] OT request: Gender Communication textbooks?
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] interpersonal readings
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] Webology: Volume 5, Number 2, 2008
Alireza Noruzi
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
Casey O'Donnell
- [Air-L] CFP on E-Learning Final Call
Olaniran, B
- [Air-L] OT request: CMC textbooks?
Olaniran, B
- [Air-L] Can someone point me to a good open source reference citation program that works?
Olaniran, B
- [Air-L] Can someone point me to a good open source reference citation program that works?
Olaniran, B
- [Air-L] WikiScience announcement
Felipe Ortega
- [Air-L] undergrad internet & society courses in comm depts in US?
Julia Pellicciaro
- [Air-L] ICT4D and e-Learning: Fighting the digital divide through education
Ismael Peña-López
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Ismael Peña-López
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
Jim Porter
- [Air-L] AoIR Copenhagen photos
Michal Piotr Pregowski
- [Air-L] Copenhagen
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude - Milwaukee dates
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Fwd: Book: The Atlas of Cyberspace
Alex Randall
- [Air-L] Net Surfers Redux?
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-L] CFP: Race, Ethnicity, and (New) Media
Robin Reid
- [Air-L] List of Resources for Online Research.
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Three Months Trainning in Internet Research
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
- [Air-L] Book Announcement: CAMGIRLS: Celebrity and Community in the Age of Social Networks
Terri Senft
- [Air-L] Re : CFP - Media in Motion
Viviane Serfaty
- [Air-L] CFP Media in Motion
Viviane Serfaty
- [Air-L] Centre for Internet and Society's Researchers At Work Programme - Histories of the internets in India
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] The Coding Analysis Toolkit: A Hands-On Training at
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Social network sites on IR9 (was: Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph)
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] CAT/BAT Workshop 9:00 Saturday Morning at the Conference in Copenhagen
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] new reviews in cyberculture studies (october 2008)
David M Silver
- [Air-L] call for book reviewers: resource center for cyberculture studies
David M Silver
- [Air-L] new reviews in cyberculture studies (november 2008)
David M Silver
- [Air-L] Ethics and retrospective consent
Philippa Smith
- [Air-L] CFP - Playful Experiences Seminar
Olli Sotamaa
- [Air-L] Call for Papers - MEA Convention June 2009 St. Louis
Janet Sternberg
- [Air-L] Professionalization Website
Jonathan Sterne
- [Air-L] more copenhagen questions
Paul Emerson Teusner
- [Air-L] simple network analysis tool
Paul Emerson Teusner
- [Air-L] question about IRB and content analysis of mailing list
Dhanaraj Thakur
- [Air-L] CfP "The Good, the Bad and the Challenging. " COST 298. deadline extended to 31 OCT 2008
Frank Thomas
- [Air-L] IR9 Slideshare group
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] simple network analysis tool
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] different strokes for different disciplines
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] "Hack the Debate" - Twitter and CurrentTV join together
Tuszynski, Stephanie
- [Air-L] OT request: Gender Communication textbooks?
Tuszynski, Stephanie
- [Air-L] simple network analysis tool
Simeon Simoff - FIT UTS
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Sonja Utz
- [Air-L] Papyrus News
Mark Warschauer
- [Air-L] net surfers updated?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] networked households
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] different strokes for different disciplines
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Participation inequality - querying the crowd
Sarita Yardi
- [Air-L] Personality & YouTube Survey
Dominic Yeo
- [Air-L] AEJMC Midwinter Conference
Cristian Berrio Zapata
- [Air-L] AEJMC Midwinter Conference
Cristian Berrio Zapata
- [Air-L] organizing a session at HCII 2009
Panayiotis Zaphiris
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Announcing IR.10 - Internet: Critical (Milwaukee)
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Frederick Noronha [फ़र
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Frederick Noronha [फ़र
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
Frederick Noronha [फ़र
- [Air-L] Open source literature
Frederick Noronha [फ़र
- [Air-L] looking for mailing list statistics tools
goldenberg anne
- [Air-L] Thought Fest 2008 - call for participation
cristina costa
- [Air-L] Re : Air-L Digest, Vol 51, Issue 31
gaby david
- [Air-L] camphone visual usages
gaby david
- [Air-L] Atlas of Cyberspace book now available as free pdf download
martin dodge
- [Air-L] Fwd: Free Online Access to all SAGE journals October 1-31, 2008
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Website: Taking it to the Web: Political Participation in the Internet Age
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Towards Humane Technologies: Biotechnology, New Media and Ethics
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] interesting use of wiki for journalism curricula
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] The Vulnerable Researcher and the IRB
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] The Vulnerable Researcher and the IRB
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Lessons in Second Life
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] ground transport
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] data mining for terrorist.... it doesn't work
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Social network sites on IR9 (was: Conf organisers on food and tourism in Cph)
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] conference pics
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Fwd: [HASTAC Announcement] Fair Use and the Future of the Commons - Come Join the Discussion with the HASTAC Scholars!
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Open source literature
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] ‘The Internet of Things’ by Rob van Kranenburg out now
geert lovink
- [Air-L] Video Vortex Reader: Responses to YouTube out now
geert lovink
- [Air-L] Three Months Trainning in Internet Research
atah pine
- [Air-L] Three Months Trainning in Internet Research
atah pine
- [Air-L] Mood and Attitude Measurement Tools Needed
lauren shapiro
- [Air-L] Citation praxis
richard.ling at telenor.com
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
chodge5 at utk.edu
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
chodge5 at utk.edu
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
chodge5 at utk.edu
- [Air-L] Food in Copenhagen
holly-kruse at utulsa.edu
- [Air-L] undergrad internet & society courses in comm depts in US?
holly-kruse at utulsa.edu
- [Air-L] Conferencing software for next year
bl506 at york.ac.uk
Last message date:
Fri Oct 31 10:38:06 PDT 2008
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:37:11 PDT 2024
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