[Air-L] MA Digital Media (Swansea University, Wales, UK)

Dr. David Berry D.M.Berry at swansea.ac.uk
Tue Oct 21 05:24:12 PDT 2008

MA Digital Media
Study to discover the new trends in global digital media and technology
This is a one-year master programme (two-years part-time) in the  
department of Media and Communication. The programme allows students  
from different disciplinary backgrounds to develop skills in  
understanding digital media and technology in the context of a  
research-led department.

Programme aims

This MA offers an innovative interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary  
approach to contemporary technology and new media, drawing upon  
expertise in Media and Communication Studies. The MA examines some of  
the key issues confronting twenty-first century global societies  
through a dynamic programme that combines theoretical and applied  
perspectives, and is taught by a team of leading academics in the  
field. The department has considerable research and teaching interest  
in new media, technology, and media theory.  Students will be  
encouraged to apply media theory, political and social theory and  
research tools in analysing and understanding digital media, as well  
as teaching key historical, policy and practice dimensions of new  
media. The programme explores key concepts and ideas in media as well  
as focusing on research methodologies for those undertaking research  
on digital media and technology.

Develop advanced empirical and theoretical knowledge and understanding  
of digital and new media.
Acquire research skills in media research methodologies
Develop critical theoretical and analytical skills, improve written  
and oral communication skills.
Understand the development of digital media and technology  
historically through a number of theoretical perspectives.
Appreciate the role of digital technology and new media within wider  
social, economic and political contexts and the implications for  
policy formation.
Develop research planning skills, time-management and project-planning  
skills through a substantive piece of individual research.

Course outline

The course structure is split across the year allowing three modules  
taken in each academic semester (a total of six modules) and then a  
dissertation over the Summer. The dissertation component allows  
students to either write a 20,000 word dissertation or design a  
research project of their own (with 10,000 word report) which draws on  
issues and themes developed throughout the year.

Topics include:

Political Economy of Media

Digital Theory

Digital Edge

Software Studies

Critical Approaches to New Media

Media/Medium Theory

Journalism and New Technology

Philosophy of Technology

Research Methods for New Media Forms

Who should apply?

Students interested in digital media and new media technologies, from  
a humanities, social science, computer science or related background.
Professionals interested in the challenge of digital media both in  
terms of their professional practice, but also related to fields in  
policy research and public administration.
Students interested in preparation for postgraduate research, MPhil or  
PhD, or who wish to develop skills and knowledge related to digital  



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