[Air-L] Copenhagen Gratitude

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Sun Oct 26 14:53:00 PDT 2008

I'd like to follow up Nancy's thanks (now that the fog of jet lag  
seems to be finally clearing, a week later) with my own. Now, I may on  
the one hand be seeing AoIR conferences through rose colored glasses  
since I no longer have responsibility for them, but if so they are  
less tinted just due to the fact that I know full well what goes into  
planning and executing a conference. AoIR 9 was another in an unbroken  
string of memorable conferences. We are fortunate to have individuals,  
such as the ones Nancy named in her email, who step up each year to  
deliver an excellent conference, and individuals who serve on the  
executive committee to help guide the association. All of them put in  
tremendous effort behind the scenes and I hope they derive at least a  
bit of the satisfaction I feel about AoIR. We are also fortunate to  
have a community that values collegiality, knowledge,  
interdisciplinarity, the exchange of ideas, respect and friendship. I  
applaud and thank you all for making AoIR an example of what a  
scholarly community can be, and for wanting to put in the effort to  
make it better.

I'm looking forward to AoIR in Milwaukee in 2009. I am sure I will be  
as incredulous then as I am now that it will be the 10th annual  


On Oct 21, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Nancy Baym wrote:

> Let me thank again the people in Copenhagen (most especially Lisbeth  
> Klastrup, Gitte Stald, Thomas Jeppesen, Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Stine  
> Gotved and the many volunteers) as well as Brian Loader and all the  
> reviewers for their hard work making the conference such a success.
> When Jeremy Hunsinger and I organized the first conference in Kansas  
> in 2000, it was only in our wildest dreams that we imagined its  
> becoming what it has. I am continuously awed by the  
> internationalism, interdisciplinarity, open minds and friendliness  
> amongst scholars that characterizes our meetings. It's the only  
> conference I go to where the most respected of senior scholars and  
> the greenest of grad students are listened to with equal respect.
> Plus, on a purely personal level, I think we've got the coolest,  
> best looking and easily the best-dressed academic community out there.
> Thanks to those who made it happen and everyone who came. See you in  
> Milwaukee where we can all honor the coolness that is AoIR with a  
> field trip to the statue of The Fonz.
> Nancy
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