[Air-L] Urban Informatics Reference

Anders Fagerjord anders.fagerjord at media.uio.no
Mon Oct 20 06:48:29 PDT 2008

Den 20. okt.. 2008 kl. 15.30 skrev William Dutton:

> Brian,
> Let me just add that the entire conference went well -- wonderful  
> facilities, and engaging keynotes and panels that clearly showcased  
> a developing academic field -- so thanks to you and your colleagues  
> for putting together such a successful event.

Second that! Spotless arrangement -- and the food and party was  
excellent too!

Anders Fagerjord, dr. art.
Associate professor,

Department of Media and Communcation,
Unversity of Oslo
P.O. Box 1093 Blindern
N-0317 OSLO

http://www.media.uio.no   http://fagerjord.no

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