[Air-L] AEJMC Midwinter Conference
Cristian Berrio Zapata
cristian.berrio at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 10:56:08 PDT 2008
Esimado Homero:
Mi nombre es Cristian Berrío Zapata y soy director de un grupo de
investigación en la Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia. Mi
área de investigación es el tema de Brecha Digital y en el momento,
investigo específicamente sobre un modelo y metodología que permita medir de
manera sistémica este fenómeno. He comenzado creando un piloto de prueba
para una encuesta, aplicable en el sector educativo universitario. Los
objetivos son: medir el impacto real de internet en la productividad
educativa e identificar factores de restricción.
Me dirige alguien que creo es amigo mutuo: el prof. Hernando Rojas de la
Wisc. (este es mi trabajo de MA y mi proyecto de PHD). Bueno, después de
toda esta prosopopeya, la pregunta es la siguiente:
La universidad de San Buenaventura me pide los congresos donde el trabajo
propuesto (aplicar el instrumento de medición de Brecha Digital en las
cuatro sedes nacionales de la USB) vaya a ser socializado. Este es un
proyecto a desarrollar (si es aprobado) durante el año 2009 .
Esta conferencia AEJMC estaría interesada en este tema? Para marzo es
imposible tener resultados... les interesaría incluir la propuesta de
investigación y metodológica? O en su defecto, habrá una conferencia en el
Le agradezco su tiempo y colaboración. Quedo pendiente de sus comentarios.
2008/9/18 Homero Gil de Zuniga <hgz at mail.utexas.edu>
> Hola all ~
> Please feel free to distribute widely.
> This is a fantastic conference to receive useful feedback about
> "developing-stage-papers" : - )
> Best,
> Homero Gil de Zuniga
> Assistant Professor
> School of Journalism
> College of Communication
> University of Texas - Austin
> www. utexas. edu
> Voice (512) 471 6323
> Fax (512) 471 7979
> March 6-8, 2009
> Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication
> University of Oklahoma
> (Conference web page: http://www.ou.edu/gaylord)
> The AEJMC Midwinter Conference is an annual forum for the presentation
> of research in areas relevant to the 12 AEJMC divisions, interest groups
> and
> commissions sponsoring the conference. The conference follows a rather
> informal structure that allows for presentations and extended discussions
> in
> a relaxed setting. This year, 12 AEJMC divisions, interest groups and
> commissions are participating in the conference, scheduled for March 6-8 at
> the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication (University of
> Oklahoma) in Norman, Oklahoma. The location offers participants many winter
> diversions outside the conference activities, including world-class museums
> and art galleries.
> Questions about paper proposal submissions to specific divisions,
> interest groups and commissions can be directed to the appropriate contacts
> below. General questions about the conference can be sent to Elanie Steyn,
> Conference Site Host (Elanie at ou.edu) and Homero Gil de Zuniga,
> Communication
> Technology Division Midwinter Chair (hgz at mail.utexas.edu).
> Paper submissions: Authors should submit research paper proposals
> consisting of a 300- to 500-word abstract to the relevant division/interest
> group/commission contact person. Do not submit full papers. The abstracts
> should give a clear sense of the scope of the research and the method of
> inquiry used. Conclusions should be highlighted for works that have been
> completed by the submission deadline. Do not send full research papers for
> consideration. However, authors of proposals accepted for presentation at
> the conference must submit complete research papers, not exceeding 30
> pages,
> to their discussant two weeks prior to the conference. PAPERS PRESENTED AT
> CONVENTION. Accepted authors are encouraged to use feedback from reviewers
> at this conference as they improve and finalize works in progress for
> submission to the national conference.
> Panel submissions: Panel organizers should submit proposals to the
> relevant division/interest group/commission contact person indicating the
> panel title, a description of the session's focus, the issues to be
> discussed, and a list of panelists (potential and confirmed), including
> affiliation.
> Format: Identify the paper's author(s) or panel's organizer(s) on the
> title page only and include the mailing address, telephone number and
> e-mail
> address of the person to whom inquiries should be addressed. The title
> should be on the first page of the text and on running heads on each page
> of
> text. Include your abstract or proposal as an attachment in a standard
> word-processing format (preferably Word or RTF). Also, please ensure that
> you remove any identifying information from your document (with the
> exception of the title page).
> Deadline: All abstracts and panel proposals must be e-mailed to the
> appropriate division/interest group/commission's midwinter paper chair (see
> below) by December 13, 2008. Please include an e-mail address so that the
> midwinter paper chairs can notify you by January 10, 2009.
> Registration: Details on conference registration, hotel accommodation,
> and travel information will be available at http://www.ou.edu/gaylord.
> AEJMC Midwinter Paper Calls by Division/Interest group/Commission
> Communication Technology Division
> Homero Gil de Zuniga, University of Texas - Austin (hgz at mail.utexas.edu)
> 512-471-6323
> Communication Theory and Methodology Division
> Michel M. Haigh, The Pennsylvania State University (mmh25 at psu.edu)
> 814.863.3850
> Commission on the Status of Women
> Barbara Barnett, University of Kansas (barnettb at ku.edu) 785-864-7659
> Cultural and Critical Studies Division
> Jane Marcellus, Middle Tennessee State University (jmarcell at mtsu.edu)
> 615-898-5282
> Entertainment Studies Interest Group
> Brad Yates, University of West Georgia (byates at westga.edu) 678 839-4938
> Graduate Education Interest Group
> Jessalynn Strauss, University of Oregon (jstrauss at uoregon.edu) 541
> 346-4169
> International
> Amy Schmitz Weiss, San Diego University (digitalamy.sw at gmail.com) 619
> 594-6301
> Mass Communication & Society
> Janet A. Bridges, Sam Houston State University (JABridges at shsu.edu)
> 936-294-3651
> Media Management and Economics
> Hugh Martin, University of Georgia (hjmartin at uga.edu) 706 542-5033
> Minorities and Communication
> Frances Ward-Johnson, Elon University (Fward2 at elon.edu) 336 278-5738
> Religion and Media Interest Group
> Amanda Sturgill, Baylor University (Amanda_Sturgill at baylor.edu) 254
> 710-6322
> Visual Communication
> Jennifer George-Palilonis, Ball State University (Jageorge2 at bsu.edu) 765
> 285-8216
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> The Air-L at listserv.aoir.org mailing list
> is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers http://aoir.org
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Cristian Berrío Zapata
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