[Air-L] Deadline Extended for the Gary Gumpert Research Incentive Prize

John Monberg jmonberg at msu.edu
Thu Oct 2 07:36:22 PDT 2008

Gary Gumpert Research Incentive Prize

Two grants up to $1500 will be awarded to fund communication research  
relevant to enhancing understanding or improving the urban  
communication environment. The incentive award can be applied to the  
acquisition of resources, travel, and/or any other appropriate  
research related expenses.

The Urban Communication Foundation Research Incentive is open to all  
National Communication Association members. The proposals will be  
judged for both originality and potential impact of the completed  
study in heightening the understanding of issues, problems and  
policies in the urban/suburban landscape.

Applications should include a statement in no more than two pages  
describing the nature and significance of the project in relatively  
non-technical terms; anticipated schedule (expected completion time);  
plans for dissemination of the project results, and budget. You may  
wish to include an additional 2-page appendix for bibliography,  
photos, figures, etc. Applications should be sent to Dr. John Monberg  
and should be accompanied by a CV. The award recipient will be  
obligated to complete the research and provide the UCF with a report  
of research and progress results.

The revised deadline for proposals is October 16. The award will be  
presented in November at the annual meeting of the National  
Communication Association.

Material can be submitted by email when appropriate.
If hard copy is being sent submit materials to:

Dr. John Monberg
263 Bessey Hall
Michigan State University

Or email to: jmonberg at msu.edu

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