[Air-L] online homeless newpapers in Denmark

Constance Kampf cka at asb.dk
Thu Feb 19 04:33:06 PST 2009

Dear Laslow, 
Diana George has written on newspapers published by and for and around
issues of homelessness, and some these papers have an online presence. 
<http://www.composition.english.vt.edu/diana/Scholarship.html>  inlcudes
references for her work on the homeless.
For example, in Denmark, the homeless newspaper  published in Kobenhavn
is Hus Forbi, and the website for this organization is:
Best Regards,
Constance Kampf,
Associate Professor,
Department of Language and Business Communication,
Aarhus School of Business,
University of Aarhus,
cka at asb.dk


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