[Air-L] Call for papers: New journal launching Summer/Fall 2009

Rebecca B Reynolds rbreynol at syr.edu
Wed Jan 7 11:20:50 PST 2009

Call for Papers: 
Advances in Research on Information and Technology
Integrative Papers for Practitioners and Scientists, published internationally in electronic and paper formats by the Academy of Asian Scholars (AAS)
Launching Summer/Fall 2009

Journal Description:

The information field evolves quickly. Working professionals who manage information - in companies, libraries, government, education or non-profits - must strive to keep up with the rapid development of the field.

A new series of papers, entitled Advances in Research on Information and Technology will provide a concentrated dose of critical updates for busy professionals who must access the latest and most important findings in the information field. Advances will publish articles representative of the scholarship of "integration" -- defined by Ernest Boyer in his work, Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (1990), as making connections across the disciplines, placing the specialties in larger context, illuminating data in a revealing way, and often educating non-specialists (18--19). Articles and publications representing the scholarship of integration are under-represented in the information and technology research literature, however such synthesis is increasingly necessary for effective and strategic practice in both the scholarly and professional domains.

Papers published in Advances will assemble, analyze, and synthesize primary research papers across the information disciplines, including:  library and information science, information systems, information policy, and related, newly emerging areas. The journal will target the readership of advanced information professionals, as well as the scholarly community, keeping readers current to the most timely and resonant themes in research on information and technology. Comprehensive literature reviews (e.g., synthesis articles derived from theses) and meta-analyses are encouraged.

The publishers of the Advances series is exploring a unique sales royalties model, in which authors will be paid for each published paper, based on print circulation, library and institutional subscriptions, and individual electronic article downloads.
Presently, we are soliciting submissions for the ongoing series, scheduled to launch with its inaugural issue in July 2009. Submissions of integration pieces may be either in "bulletin" format (~2500--3000 words) or "monograph" format (~5000--6000 words). We also welcome proposals for longer publications. Each paper should cover one topic in depth, with clarity. 

The standard issue will cover a range of topics targeted towards the advanced information professional. Some special volumes will be themed. You may also propose to guest-edit a themed volume, thoroughly defining the theme proposed, and providing a list of relevant authors and individual article topics, to broadly reflect the given theme.

Below is a suggested list of topics in the field of information technology field; all topics related to information and technology are welcome.

* Data mining
* Digital asset management
* Digital literacy
* Digital libraries
* Evidence-based decision making
* Human-computer interaction
* Information economics
* Information management
* Information policy
* Information privacy
* Information retrieval
* Information security
* Large system design
* Library management
* Metadata
* Network management
* Open source technology
* User behavior
* Virtual organizations

Advances in Research on Information and Technology will deliver content to laptops, mobile devices, and book readers in multiple languages, almost immediately after the manuscript is finalized. The publication will also be available in paper and electronic form by subscription to libraries, institutions, and other organizations. 

The editorial selection process is led by Senior Editor, Dr. Jian Qin of Syracuse University, as well invited guest editors for themed volumes, and our distinguished Editorial Board, to be announced in the first quarter of 2009.

The deadline for manuscript submission for the inaugural paper series is January 31, 2009. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis, and should be made in electronic format. Please provide the full article, and including an abstract of approximately 500 words.

For further instructions regarding format and submissions, please visit:

To submit an article online:  Register at http://arit.syr.edu/ojs/index.php?journal=arit&page=index, then visit the "User Home" page, click "Author," and follow the instructions for uploading your file.

For questions and inquiries about manuscript topics and submission, or to propose a themed issue, please contact:

Jian Qin, Ph.D., Senior Editor
School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
235 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Tel: +1 (315) 443-5642, Fax: +1 (315) 443-5806, Email: arit [at] syr.edu

Rebecca Reynolds, Ph.D., Managing Editor
School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
223 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Tel: +1 (315) 443-5692, Fax: +1 (315) 443-5806, Email: arit [at] syr.edu

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