January 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 15:16:17 PST 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 21:12:39 PST 2009
Messages: 301
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Tina Matuchniak at UCI
- [Air-L] Most popular news sites worldwide
Dr. Rasha Abdulla
- [Air-L] So-called Digital Natives - interesting newspaper article
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] A typology of internet forums?
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] 'Human error' halts Google search
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] Cisco 2008 Annual Security Report
Alaa Al-Din Al-Radhi
- [Air-L] IPv6 Latest Report 2009
Alaa Al-Din Al-Radhi
- [Air-L] Issue 169, Internet resources newsletter
Alaa Al-Din Al-Radhi
- [Air-L] A new "new media index"
Sharon Haleva Amir
- [Air-L] A new "new media index"
Sharon Haleva Amir
- [Air-L] Research on the social process of DIY broadband & (home) network installation?
Ben Anderson
- [Air-L] Social Engineering/Social Hacking anyone?
Imam Ardhianto
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Burcu Bakioglu
- [Air-L] Invitation to a research survey on the adoption of knowledge management systems
Charlie Balch
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
Trudy Barber
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Anne Beaulieu
- [Air-L] TKUV
Ralf Bendrath
- [Air-L] Submission deadline for Media Ecology Association
Stephanie Bennett
- [Air-L] Publication quality
Daren Carroll Brabham
- [Air-L] facebook for political propaganda
Yana Breindl
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Pam Brewer
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Pam Brewer
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Pam Brewer
- [Air-L] Research on multiple CMC environments
Pam Brewer
- [Air-L] Center for Information Policy Research, UWM--AoIR 10 Grad Student Research Grant
Elizabeth A Buchanan
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research (Charles Ess)
Elizabeth A Buchanan
- [Air-L] More on Ethics...
Elizabeth A Buchanan
- [Air-L] Fw: [cultstud-l] ethnography conference, University of Leeds
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-L] CfP: "e-Politics:the role of the Internet in designing political practices", ECPR General Conference - Potsdam 09
Andrea Calderaro
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Denise Carter
- [Air-L] CFP: MIT's Media in Transition - Conference
Rod Carveth
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Mark Chen
- [Air-L] New News-Online@ e-mail list, carrying on the tradition of "online-news"
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] AoIR 11.0: Request for Site Proposals
Mia Consalvo
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 8
Shelia Cotten
- [Air-L] CfP: Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2010
Scott Counts
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Sue Cranmer
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Berry D.M.
- [Air-L] Looking for academically valid stats about the internet
Jeremy Depauw
- [Air-L] E-Learning CFP on globally networked learning in higher education (Jan 31)
Doreen Starke-Meyerring, Dr.
- [Air-L] Last call: E-Learning CFP on globally networked learning in highereducation (Jan 31)
Doreen Starke-Meyerring, Dr.
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
Emma Duke-Williams
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Emma Duke-Williams
- [Air-L] New Positions at the Oxford Internet Institute
William Dutton
- [Air-L] new fee waiver policy
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Just launched: The "Ask Your Lawmaker" widget
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [Air-L] Ask Your Lawmaker
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Caitlin Fisher
- [Air-L] Reminder: SAW 2009, LNBIP proceedings, deadline: Feb 1 2009
Dominik Flejter
- [Air-L] Reminder: LIT 2009, LNBIP proceedings, deadline: 1 Feb 2009
Dominik Flejter
- [Air-L] 5 days left: SAW 2009 (Social Aspects of the Web, Springer proceedings)
Dominik Flejter
- [Air-L] Livejournal Troubles?
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Paper: (Under)mining Privacy in Social Networks
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Cisco 2008 Annual Security Report
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Hypertext 2009: 2nd CfP
Andrea Forte
- [Air-L] CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics
Marcus Foth
- [Air-L] A typology of internet forums?
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] i³ 2009: Information: Interactions and Impact – Call for Papers
Kate Friday
- [Air-L] Deadline Reminder - Information: Interactions and Impact (i³) 2009
Kate Friday
- [Air-L] New study: studiVZ, Facebook, MySpace: Social networking sites and the surveillance society
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
Mathias Fuchs
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Mathias Fuchs
- [Air-L] fake play, foul, bending the rules
Mathias Fuchs
- [Air-L] software to download yahoo group data?
Tery G
- [Air-L] software to download yahoo group data?
Tery G
- [Air-L] the growth of some groups and not others
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-L] FINAL REMINDER [CFP | deadline: February, 1 2009] 9th International Conference of Sociocybernetics
Fabio Giglietto
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Mary L. Gray
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 30
David Gurzick
- [Air-L] Invitation to a research survey on the adoption of knowledge management systems
David Rodríguez Gómez
- [Air-L] Job Posting - Researcher in webbased data collection
Anja Göritz
- [Air-L] Guestbooks
Sigurjón B Hafsteinsson
- [Air-L] Social Engineering
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] 'Human error' halts Google search
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Pirate Philosophy: Culture Machine 10
Gary Hall
- [Air-L] Research on multiple CMC environments
Derek Hansen
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Communication Pedagogy in the Age of Social Media
Teresa M Harrison
- [Air-L] =?US-ASCII?Q?ASIS&T_Annual_CFP_=96_deadline_extended?=
Richard Hill
- [Air-L] Cryptically titled book
Christine Hine
- [Air-L] So-called Digital Natives - interesting newspaper article
Julian Hopkins
- [Air-L] TKUV
William Hudson
- [Air-L] TKUV
William Hudson
- [Air-L] Social Engineering/Social Hacking anyone?
Stephan Humer
- [Air-L] Publication quality
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Rik Hunter
- [Air-L] New Blog Series: New Media Practices in International Contexts
Mimi Ito
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Sisse Siggaard Jensen
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Sisse Siggaard Jensen
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
- [Air-L] Number of Online News Websites?
Dal Yong Jin
- [Air-L] Undergrad panel for IR 10.0
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] ask your lawmaker
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] CFP: Porn Cultures: Regulation, Political Economy, and Technology
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] A new "new media index"
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Defining terms: "Democracy 2.0"
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
- [Air-L] MUVEs in Teaching and Learning - Online discussion event begins 25th Jan
Helen Keegan
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
T. Kennedy
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
T. Kennedy
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Khakimov, Amonulla (MGS)
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
Khakimov, Amonulla (MGS)
- [Air-L] facebook for political propaganda
Lisbeth Klastrup
- [Air-L] Most popular news sites worldwide
Maciej Kos
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Meryl Krieger
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Meryl Krieger
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Meryl Krieger
- [Air-L] New Book: Powerscape of Internet Governance
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] Vacation messages (was Re: Ethical Concerns in online research, etc.)
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] INVITATION: War, conflict and reconciliation on the Internet
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] Psychology and communication online
Richard Kunzmann
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Nick Lalone
- [Air-L] Number of Online News Websites?
Angela Lee
- [Air-L] New Pew Internet data memo on U.S. Adults and Social Networks
Amanda Lenhart
- [Air-L] CFP: 5th International Conference on e-Social Science
Yuwei Lin
- [Air-L] ESRC-SSRC Visiting Fellowships call open
Yuwei Lin
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Cristina Lopez
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Cristina Lopez
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Cristina Lopez
- [Air-L] readings: street art, graffiti and new media networks
David Low
- [Air-L] So-called Digital Natives - interesting newspaper article
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-L] Research on multiple CMC environments
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-L] 'Human error' halts Google search
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-L] A typology of internet forums?
Nils Löber
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Annette Markham
- [Air-L] Research on multiple CMC environments
Alice E. Marwick
- [Air-L] New study: studiVZ, Facebook, MySpace: Social networking sites and the surveillance society
Jeff McCarthy
- [Air-L] New Book: Online Social Networking on Campus
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Berkman Center Report: Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Horizon Report 2009 Profiles Six Key Emerging Technologies for Higher Education
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] Dissertation | Social Networking Sites and the Surveillance Society ... | Christian Fuchs
McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]
- [Air-L] CFP: MIT's Media in Transition - Conference
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] facebook for political propaganda
John McNutt
- [Air-L] readings: street art, graffiti and new media networks
Esther Milne
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Maryam Moayeri
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Marcela Musgrove
- [Air-L] ESRC studentship available for DPhil at Oxford Internet Institute - deadline approaching
Vicki Nash
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Christian Nelson
- [Air-L] 'Human error' halts Google search
Mathieu O'Neil
- [Air-L] CFP Digital Media Technologies Revisited: Theorising social relations, interactions and communication
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-L] The Communication Review Call for Papers on CMC
Tatiana Omeltchenko
- [Air-L] WikiSym 2009 CfP
Felipe Ortega
- [Air-L] LiWA first newsletter
Nathalie PISCHON
- [Air-L] IR 10.0 keynotes announced!
Susanna Paasonen
- [Air-L] Submission deadline for IR 10.0 extended, plus author info
Susanna Paasonen
- [Air-L] IR 10.0 submission site launched!
Susanna Paasonen
- [Air-L] IR 10.0 submission site launched - and open until February 16
Susanna Paasonen
- [Air-L] Social Engineering/Social Hacking anyone?
Juan Paulhiac
- [Air-L] Social Engineering/Social Hacking anyone?
Julia Pellicciaro
- [Air-L] Defining terms: "Democracy 2.0"
Julia Pellicciaro
- [Air-L] CfP Modes of Governance in Digitally Networked Environments
Christian Pentzold
- [Air-L] EuroITV 2009 'Networked Television' - CfP short papers/ posters/ demos/ doct consortium
Jo Pierson
- [Air-L] Livejournal Troubles?
Annette Pohlke
- [Air-L] the growth of some groups and not others (Murray Turoff)
Larry Press
- [Air-L] the growth of some groups and not others (Murray Turoff)
Larry Press
- [Air-L] Publication quality
Larry Press
- [Air-L] Publication quality (Daren Carroll Brabham)
Larry Press
- [Air-L] - readings: street art, graffiti and new media networks
Christophe Prieur
- [Air-L] the growth of some groups and not others
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Defining terms: "Democracy 2.0"
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Regonini, Suellen
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Regonini, Suellen
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
CarrieLynn D. Reinhard
- [Air-L] new issue of the International Journal of Internet Science
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-L] Call for papers: New journal launching Summer/Fall 2009
Rebecca B Reynolds
- [Air-L] forwarding call for papers for International Journal of E-Politics
Ronald E. Rice
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
Christopher J. Richter
- [Air-L] psychology and communication online
Dominik M. Rosenauer
- [Air-L] Psychology and communication online
Dominik M. Rosenauer
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
Dominik M. Rosenauer
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
Dominik M. Rosenauer
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Dominik M. Rosenauer
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Dana Rotman
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Dana Rotman
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Terrell Russell
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Conor Schaefer
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Lois Scheidt
- [Air-L] Looking for academically valid stats about the internet
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-L] CfP Digital Cities ( TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, Special Issue)
Hans J. Scholl
- [Air-L] 2nd Call For Papers EGOV09 Linz/Austria
Hans J. Scholl
- [Air-L] Most popular news sites worldwide
Elad Segev
- [Air-L] forwarding call for papers for International Journal of E-Politics
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Psychology and communication online
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Last call: E-Learning CFP on globally networked learning in highereducation (Jan 31)
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] CFA: Facebook and Philosophy
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] Fwd: Mellon Postdocs in Humanities at Tufts
Neil Selwyn
- [Air-L] 8 Free Issues of JITP Available Online Until January 31, 2009
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Call for Papers - Deadline Extended - "YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States"
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Call for Papers - Deadline is 2 Days Away - Posters Encouraged
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Register Today to Get the Early Bird Rates for "YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States"
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Kimberly Silk
- [Air-L] looking for feature article-like readings about twitter and yelp
David M Silver
- [Air-L] new reviews in cyberculture studies (february 2009)
David M Silver
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Jorgen Skageby
- [Air-L] Playful Experiences Seminar: CFP deadline closing soon!
Olli Sotamaa
- [Air-L] CFA: Facebook and Philosophy
Alecea Standlee
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Alecea Standlee
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Mike Stanger
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Sarah Stewart
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Pearse Stokes
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Pearse Stokes
- [Air-L] facebook for political propaganda
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Fred Stutzman
- [Air-L] Research on multiple CMC environments
Fred Stutzman
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Scott Swigart
- [Air-L] new version of the software coffee released
Luca Tateo
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 1
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 2 responses
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] comments on Chat as a technically mediated social system
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] ask your lawmaker
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Ask Your Lawmaker
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Social Engineering
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] CFP: Panel for AoIR 10 on "friends"
Tuszynski, Stephanie
- [Air-L] Chat as a technically mediated social system
Jesper Tække
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
Jacqueline Vickery
- [Air-L] Virtual Worlds Research Discussion Group starts again this week
Greg Wadley
- [Air-L] Invitation to a research survey on the adoption of knowledge management systems
Andrew Wat
- [Air-L] Invitation to a research survey on the adoption of knowledge management systems
Andrew Wat
- [Air-L] Peter Kollock, RIP
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Int'l Comm Assoc Award
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Fwd: Mellon Postdocs in Humanities at Tufts (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] CFA: Facebook and Philosophy
Dylan Wittkower
- [Air-L] CFP: MIT's Media in Transition - Conference
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Call for ASIS&T panelists on Library 2.0
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] the growth of some groups and not others (Murray Turoff)
tom abeles
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 1
tom abeles
- [Air-L] ask your lawmaker
tom abeles
- [Air-L] ask your lawmaker
tom abeles
- [Air-L] Political discussion groups online
- [Air-L] Ethical Concerns in online research
RBerkman at aol.com
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
andrea baker
ettore bolisani
- [Air-L] "Taken Out of Context" (my dissertation)
danah boyd
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
laetitia le chatton
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
laetitia le chatton
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
laetitia le chatton
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
laetitia le chatton
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
laetitia le chatton
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
acabral at comunicacao.pro.br
- [Air-L] YouTube: The Reference Tool
acabral at comunicacao.pro.br
- [Air-L] Virtual sex -- from Second Life to online sites
niels van doorn
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
laudone at fordham.edu
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
laudone at fordham.edu
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
manuel.boutet at free.fr
- [Air-L] CFP: Learning Infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Transcription Software
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software to download yahoo group data?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software to download yahoo group data?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Announcement & CFP: EU Kids Online
D.R.Brake at lse.ac.uk
- [Air-L] So-called Digital Natives - interesting newspaper article
- [Air-L] Please remove my email from the list. Thank you.
motti nassi
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
- [Air-L] American Youth's Differential Use of New Media
- [Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor
- [Air-L] Bastard Culture! User Participation and the Extension of Cultural Industries
mirko tobias schaefer
- [Air-L] out of luck re transcription?
scott at scottmacleod.com
- [Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband
scott at scottmacleod.com
- [Air-L] virtual ethnography
scott at scottmacleod.com
- [Air-L] New web address for Leslie Haddon
richard.ling at telenor.com
richard.ling at telenor.com
- [Air-L] Int'l Comm Assoc Award
richard.ling at telenor.com
- [Air-L] facebook for political propaganda
stefania vicari
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 21:12:39 PST 2009
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:37:13 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).