[Air-L] Defining terms: "Democracy 2.0"

KMV cuuixsilver at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 10:17:01 PST 2009

Julia, some terms to try searching: "participatory democracy" and "digital

I think anything 2.0 runs a the risk of sounding cliched and being instantly
out of date.  It might be useful for identifying a moment in history or a
past trend.

I think the practices you are discussing need to be clearly
identified/defined and then a term that refers to those should be easier to

You are not looking at laws being recreated through a wiki; what are you
looking at?



On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Julia Pellicciaro
<jpellicciaro at gmail.com>wrote:

> Happy Friday AIR-Lers!
> I have a two-pronged question to pose to you all. But first, a bit of
> context:
> I am on a advisory committee for Philly NetSquared, which organizes monthly
> meetings (Net Tuesdays) on using technology to advance social change
> (another topic for another day). The idea being thrown around for the
> February Net Tuesday is "Democracy 2.0," which when assimilated with "Web
> 2.0," is a very timely topic.
> However, upon a quick Google search of the term, I emailed the rest of the
> committee with the following information, which *I will now use to frame my
> questions to all of you:
> *
> *1.* The first two Google search results (http://moourl.com/r3jcz) are
> from
> Mobilize.org, which conducted a survey of Millennials way back in 2002, and
> their thrust at the time focused strictly on Millennials identifying
> specific needs for change (http://moourl.com/l5vqp). The third result is
> Digg citing a broken link from wiki-law.org (http://moourl.com/z9kow):
> Democracy 2.0 is an experiment that hypothesizes that a wide range of
> > individuals can contribute to the creation of our nation's laws through a
> > wiki on the web. Democracy 2.0 hopes to answer the following question: if
> > the country started from scratch today, without any laws, what laws would
> > you make for society?
> This is not what has been intended by the term in the NetSquared
> discussion.
> And perhaps there is a reason why this entry has been removed from
> Wiki-Law...
> *2.* There is no entry in Wikipedia for "Democracy 2.0" (
> http://moourl.com/0y09k). While Wikipedia is, of course, by no means* *the
> final authority on either historical or cutting edge concepts (or anything
> in between), it is generally a good gauge of which concepts the Internet
> public (namely Wikipedia contributors) has formed even a somewhat
> stabilized
> and homogenized perspective on.
> While I completely understand the intended conceptual thread drawn from Web
> 2.0 to "Democracy 2.0," I'm a beat leary of NetSquared coining a term that
> doesn't quite seem to have a single-minded use as of yet. Not to mention
> that "Web 2.0" has lost some impetus as it's increasingly become cliché.
> I've also searched "Democracry 2.0" on BoingBoing, ReadWriteWeb, and
> Technorati. While the term is actively used as a tag on Technorati (as well
> as a related tags,"Government 2.0" and "Open Source Democracy"), the other
> two sites yielded null search results. There are also no entries yet on
> UrbanDictionary.com.
> *So my two-prong question for you is as follows:*
> 1. What are your thoughts (as tech savvy researchers) on the term
> "Democracy
> 2.0" and similar terms "Government 2.0" and "Open Source Democracy" (and
> are
> there any other synonyms in use)?
> 2. How do we as internet researchers determine the validity of such terms
> in
> our temperamental social-networked information age? In what cases should we
> define terms and in what cases do we allow the Internet public to define
> terms?
> I'm really eager to hear your input.
> All the best,
> Julia
> Julia Pellicciaro
> // Passion:Purpose:Integrity //
> tweet :: twitter.com/juropel
> blog :: telluricaesthetic.net
> ...
> Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow, whatever is rigid and
> blocked will wither and die.  —Tao Te Ching
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Kim De Vries


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