[Air-L] readings: street art, graffiti and new media networks

David Low subs at aanet.com.au
Sun Jan 25 18:38:37 PST 2009

Hi Esther
I did some work in this area a while back to generate a proposal for 
VicHealth (we got as far as short-list).  This might be helpful, or 
not, I don't know.  Could you let me know a little more about what 
you are working on and why you need the readings.  Also, this 
question was asked on list a couple of years back and it might be 
worth your time digging into the archives.
Dr David Low
Monash University

At 04:17 PM 23/01/2009, you wrote:
>hi all,
>i wonder if anyone could suggest some critical readings that explore 
>how graffiti and street artists use blogs, SNS, youtube etc to 
>create artist based networks and communities?
>much appreciated!
>Dr Esther Milne
>Lecturer in Media and Communications
>Convenor, Media Honours Program
>Faculty of Life and Social Sciences
>Swinburne University of Technology
>John Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
>office: AS 425
>t: +613 92148195
>f: +613 98196443
>e: emilne at swin.edu.au
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