[Air-L] Psychology and communication online

Dominik M. Rosenauer rosenauer at mac.com
Sun Jan 25 05:50:47 PST 2009

hi richard!

thank you for your literature and help! I would be happy to read your  
dissertation and if you could email me a copy or link where I can find it;

I also found Johns web-book very helpful in my work and think it is a  
great starting point in psychological "thesis breeding"!


> Dear Dominik,
> In 2002 I completed my dissertation on the role which frequent internet  
> communication in cyber-communities may play when people with spinal-cord  
> injuries want to re-affirm their self-concepts and expand their circle  
> of significant others.
> If you want access to that dissertation, I can gladly send it to you.
> However, there were some texts and sites I found very helpful,  
> particularly those with a strong psychological slant:
> John Suler's Website is an excellent starting point for confronting many  
> of the issues currently affecting CMC as it applies to psychology
> Also, Wallace, P. (1999). The Psychology of the Internet. New York:  
> Cambridge University press
> You might find some of the following articles and books good, though I'm  
> sure a number  of researchers might have produced more recent research  
> articles that have taken Web 2 etc. into account:
> Baumeister, R.F. & Leary, M.R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for  
> interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation.  
> Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529
> Haythornthwaite, C.B., Wellman, B. & Garton, L. (1998). Work and  
> community via computer-mediated communication. In J. Gackenbach (Ed.),  
> Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, interpersonal and  
> transpersonal implications (pp. 199 – 226). San Diego, California:  
> Academic Press
> Joinson, A.N. (1998). Causes and implications of disinhibition behaviour  
> on the Internet. In J. Gackenbach (Ed.), Psychology and the Internet:  
> Intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal implications (pp. 43 –  
> 60). San Diego, California: Academic Press
> Joinson, A.N. (2001). Self-disclosure in computer-mediated  
> communication: The role of self-awareness and visual anonymity. European  
> Journal of Social Psychology, 31, 177-192
> Williams, K.D., Cheung, C.K. & Choi, W. (2000). Cyberostracism: Effects  
> of being ignored over the Internet. Journal of Personality and Social  
> Psychology, 79(5), 748-762
> I hope this helps you head off in the right direction!
> Best,
> Richard Kunzmann
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mag.phil. dominik m. rosenauer

klinischer und gesundheitspsychologe
systemischer psychotherapeut
systemischer supervisor
systemischer coach

capistrangasse 4/15
1060 wien

t  +43.664.5315478
e  dominik.rosenauer at inode.at
h  www.psycheonline.at

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