[Air-L] A typology of internet forums?

Deen Freelon dfreelon at u.washington.edu
Sun Jan 25 10:10:14 PST 2009


I've got a draft paper I'm currently revising for journal submission 
that introduces something close to this, and though it focuses on 
political forums, it may apply to others as well. Email me off-list if 
you'd like a copy (and others feel free to do so as well). ~DEEN

Nils Löber wrote:
> Dear list members,
> in the course of researching for my master's thesis on image board 
> culture (think 4chan, LOLcats, Rickrolling etc.) I have been trying to 
> find literature describing a typology of internet forums and 
> forum-like precursors (BBSes/USENET/...) with respect to formal 
> properties such as moderated vs. unmoderated, anonymous vs. 
> pseudonymous vs. real names, distributed vs. centralized and so on.
> Even though I put quite some effort into finding literature, I 
> couldn't find anything even closely approaching a comprehensive 
> overview/typology. In fact, the wikipedia article on internet forums 
> was as close as I came.
> Can anyone here help me out and point me to relevant sources? Many 
> thanks in advance!
> Best regards
> Nils Loeber
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Deen Freelon
Ph.D. Student, Communication
University of Washington
dfreelon at u.washington.edu
ReCal = online intercoder reliability calculator

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