[Air-L] looking for a collaborative real-time editor

Emma Duke-Williams emma.dukewilliams at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 09:23:39 PST 2009

2009/1/29 pmgazz <pmgazz at gmx.co.uk>:
> I like Huddle for this kind of thing: http://www.huddle.net/ -- it's
> online, platform independent, has a collaborative whiteboard and also
> online document editing (compatible with both OOo and MS Office).

I've used Google Docs (when we signed up, you didn't have to have a
Gmail a/c, but you did have to have/create a google account. They
didn't make it overly clear that you could have a non-gmail email
address, though. I do agree about the security issues, and wouldn't
use it for anything that had to remain secure - but to quickly
co-author things I've found it v. useful.
It seems to refresh reasonably often - and you can manually refresh it.

I've not seen the chat feature that has been mentioned - only seen it
in Google Spreadsheets - but I've not used G Docs for a while now.

Has anyone actually got an Etherpad a/c? This conversation reminded me
& I went to the site. Apparently I asked for a beta account 62 days
ago. I've not had it as far as I know. (Anyway - it said "you
requested one" ... rather than "we sent you one")

I've just signed up for Huddle - that looks good!

In the past, I've also use Zoho - which I think I prefer to Google
Docs, though it still has the updating issue - you have to wait a bit,
it's not instant.

However, any of them are much more "instant" than emailing docs round groups!


Emma Duke-Williams:
School of Computing/ Faculty eLearning Co-ordinator, University of
Portsmouth, UK.
Blog: http://userweb.port.ac.uk/~duke-wie/blog/

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