[Air-L] Stimulus spending on brodband

Emma Duke-Williams emma.dukewilliams at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 09:09:43 PST 2009

2009/1/28 Peter Timusk <ptimusk at sympatico.ca>:
> In Canada our countries budget just passed or will pass tomorrow. It
> includes stimulus spending on broadband for rural areas any thoughts on
> this?
> Can other nationals in other countries report you regions spending on
> Internet and of course the climate for research spending on Internet?

The UK government are discussing just that today :)  (Well, the UK
view of it, they're not discussing the Canadian approach!)


Emma Duke-Williams:
School of Computing/ Faculty eLearning Co-ordinator, University of
Portsmouth, UK.
Blog: http://userweb.port.ac.uk/~duke-wie/blog/

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