[Air-L] Fwd: Mellon Postdocs in Humanities at Tufts (fwd)

Barry Wellman wellman at chass.utoronto.ca
Fri Jan 23 14:04:08 PST 2009

Pls contact Prof Ennis, not me, if interested

 Barry Wellman

  S.D. Clark Professor of Sociology, FRSC              NetLab Director
  Department of Sociology                        University of Toronto
  725 Spadina Avenue, Room 388                  Toronto Canada M5S 2J4
  http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman            fax:+1-416-978-3963

  Updating history:     http://chass.utoronto.ca/oldnew/cybertimes.php


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:28:40 -0500
From: James Ennis <jennis at tufts.edu>
To: James Ennis <jennis at tufts.edu>
Subject: Fwd: Mellon Postdocs in Humanities at Tufts

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

If you know a new- or soon-to-be-PhD who might be interested (say in
sociology of art, or culture, or perhaps media) would you please pass
this along? Needs to be able to pass as a humanist, but we did host
such a person a a couple of years ago.  If they are interested, have
them contact me in the next week.

Thanks and all best wishes... JE

James G. Ennis
Associate Professor of Sociology
Eaton Hall 112
Sociology, Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office hours M 4:30-5:30, W 1:30-2:30
617 627 2473 --> my office
617 627 3561 --> department office
617 627 3032 --> fax

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jillian Dubman <jillian.dubman at tufts.edu>
> Date: January 23, 2009 8:44:57 AM GMT-05:00
> To: as-faculty at elist.tufts.edu
> Subject: Mellon Postdocs in Humanities
> This message is sent on behalf of Andrew McClellan, Dean of Academic
> Affairs for Arts and Sciences.
> _______________________________________________________
> Dear Colleagues,
> As many of you know, the Mellon Foundation generously agreed to
> renew funding for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in the
> Humanities at Tufts for another six years. Advertisements (see
> below) were placed in appropriate venues and applications are coming
> in, against a deadline of February 1, 2009. An ad hoc committee will
> be assembled to read files and select candidates. Though it is now
> late in the day, should you know potential applicants please
> encourage them to apply. Since the program calls for fellows to be
> houses in departments and, ideally, paired with suitable mentors/
> collaborators on the Tufts faculty, we may be in touch with some of
> you to ask about your possible interest in hosting or working with a
> given applicant. We hope this year's pool of applicants will add two
> exciting young scholars to our community beginning this coming fall.
> As we have funding for the next years (and perhaps beyond), please
> be on the lookout for talented young scholars who might be
> interested in applying in coming years. Collaborative research
> projects with our faculty are encouraged.
> "The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has generously provided Tufts
> University with funding to bring two postdoctoral fellows to campus
> each year to pursue new research projects in the Humanities. Two
> fellows will be appointed in fall 2009.
> Fellows will be housed for two years in the Center for the
> Humanities at Tufts and affiliated with the department or
> interdisciplinary program most germane to their field of research.
> Fellows will be expected to teach one course in the spring semester
> of their first year and two in the second year of their residency
> through their home department or program. It is further expected
> that fellows will take part in the intellectual life of campus,
> working with faculty and students, attending and helping to plan
> events and meetings, etc. Applicants whose research will benefit
> from the research environment and faculty at Tufts are especially
> encouraged to apply.
> Applications will be competitively evaluated by the Mellon
> Postdoctoral Committee. There is no requirement that the fellows be
> U.S. citizens.  Applicants for the fellowships must have received
> their Ph.D. within the past five years. The stipend for fellows will
> be $42,500 plus benefits, and a research allowance of $5,000 per year.
> Recipients of the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships will be appointed
> by the Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences, upon the
> recommendation of the Mellon Postdoctoral Committee. All
> applications must be received no later than February 1, 2009."
> Thank you for your interest and support,
> Andrew McClellan
> Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts & Sciences
> Tufts University
> Ballou Hall
> Medford, MA 02155
> tel: 617 627-4230
> email: andrew.mcclellan at tufts.edu

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