[Air-L] Transcription Software

Regonini, Suellen sregonin at cas.usf.edu
Tue Jan 27 16:07:50 PST 2009

Yes, ExpressScribe is great! I have the foot pedal unit (and several years medical transcription experience), so that was what I always used, and still keep as a backup. However, due to physical issues (RA), I have to baby my hands a lot more than in the past, so I'm looking for a more "hands off" way to do it. 

For my dissertation, I'm planning on doing mostly video capture, and not so much transcription, but I do have some Skype interviews that I want to transcribe to be able to mark up and take quotes from, so I'll likely do the "listen - repeat to Dragon" method and see how it goes.

Suellen Rader Regonini, M.Ed.
Ph.D. Student, Applied Anthropology
University of South Florida
sregonin at cas.usf.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org on behalf of Meryl Krieger
Sent: Tue 1/27/2009 5:46 PM
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Transcription Software
Hi Stephanie:

Here is what was suggested to me and has been the most useful software
(free!) I've found - ExpressScribe. You can download it from the web, it's
totally legal shareware, for free. They sell basically the footpedals and
equipment parts that go with it to businesses. I've been using it to
transcribe interviews and field sessions for years now, and it's been
invaluable - you can speed up and slow down your recording, once you upload
it into the software, and it tracks your recording to the second. You can
also restart from exactly where you left off when you stop transcribing for
a day, which has also been invaluable. The catch is you need digitized
recordings, but somehow I doubt that's an issue in this community :)

Hope this is helpful!

Meryl Krieger
Ph.D. Folklore & Ethnomusicology
Associate Instructor, Indiana University
Adjunct Instructor, Ivy Tech Community College
kriegerj at indiana.edu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org
> [mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org] On Behalf Of laudone at fordham.edu
> Sent: Monday, 26 January 2009 20:23
> To: air-l
> Subject: [Air-L] Transcription Software
> Hi all,
> I am in the beginning stages of my dissertation research, which involves
> in-depth qualitative interviews and am looking into transcription software
> packages (such as Dragon). I am aiming to have about 50-75 interviews, so
> transcribing them myself isn't the best option for me. I haven't heard too
> much about the software however. Does anyone have experience with this? Any
> insight is greatly appreciated!
> Many thanks,
> Stephanie Laudone
> _______________________
> Stephanie Laudone, MA
> PhD Student, Teaching Associate
> Dept. of Sociology
> Fordham University
> Laudone at fordham.edu
> _______________________________________________
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