[Air-L] New Executive Committee

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 22:22:47 PDT 2009

Dear AoIR-ists,

As our bylaws state, ordinarily the new Executive Committee is announced
following the Annual General Meeting of the annual Internet Research / AoIR

This year, however, the AGM is scheduled for just prior to the conference
dinner, meaning that the new Executive Committee will have to meet prior to
the AGM (we don't want them to miss the dinner!).

Accordingly, I'm pleased to announce the new Executive Committee (2009-2011)
in this forum:

Alex Halavais

Catherine Middleton

Michael Zimmer

Graduate Student Representative
Gordon Carlson

Open Seat Representatives
Elizabeth Buchanan
Suely Fragoso
Ted Coopman

I'm sure you're join me in congratulating your colleagues on the new
Executive Committee, along with expressing heartiest thanks to all who ran
for their willingness to support AoIR and its work in these ways.

Hope to see you all in Milwaukee!  Safe travels to those who can make the
journey -
- charles
President, AoIR

Professor MSO, Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Århus N.
mail: <imvce at hum.au.dk>
tel: (+45) 8942 9250

Distinguished Research Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies
Drury University, Springfield, Missouri 65802 USA

Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23

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