[Air-L] New Executive Committee

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Sun Oct 4 08:26:27 PDT 2009

I want to congratulate the winners and also thank everyone who ran 
and everyone who is stepping off the executive committee having 
served their term(s).

This association runs on the voluntary efforts of people willing to 
do the work, and its success (as Jeremy articulated well a few weeks 
ago) is due to everyone who's been willing to serve, whether in an 
officially elected capacity or not.

It's beyond cool to see this dream child about to have its tenth 
conference and continuing as it does. We've created some great 
research ties, many collaborative research projects, a huge amount of 
friendships, at least a few marriages, and even some babies. I know 
my life has been enriched in countless ways by this association.


Look forward to seeing you all in Milwaukee,


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