[Air-L] AoIR 10. Updates

Elizabeth A. Buchanan eliz1679 at uwm.edu
Sun Oct 4 06:04:33 PDT 2009

We're just a few days away...!

Just a few updates:

1. The Innovative Online Learning Workshop has been canceled. Participants were contacted individually--but if you were planning to add this workshop at the last minute, please choose another.

2. There are a FEW spots left for the banquet at Harley-Davidson on Saturday night. Register ASAP if you want to be there. We will NOT have tickets available at the door.

3. My contact number from Tuesday on will be 414.614.3266--I will be at the Hilton so you can find me if you need anything.

4. The Hilton was able to add a few additional rooms at the conference rate for the 6, 7, and 8th. Contact them directly.

5. Water park passes will be made available for a very reduced fee, so bring your suits along and have some fun. Charlie Ess promises to do some major slip n' sliding for everyone's enjoyment.

Also--Repeating the note sent from Erin, our conference assistant follows: Be sure to come by the Ale House on Wednesday night; it promises to be a great gathering.

Looking forward to welcoming you to Milwaukee!


Hello all conference-goers!

This message concerns:

-Pre-conference attendees
-Twitter information
-Going out and socializing with your fellow attendees

If any of these apply to you, read on (or rock on, whichever you prefer).

Pre-conference information:

Workshops will be held in the following locations (buildings and rooms):
-Doctoral Colloquium: Empire Ballroom
-Critical Issues and Perspectives in Internet Research Methods and Ethics: Monarch Ballroom
-Mobile Communication In Developing Nations: Will announce shortly.
Hefter Center:
3271 N Lake Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53211 
Cabs will be arranged to take participants to the University Conference Center (Please discuss with your pre-conference organizer)
-Engaging Multidisciplinarity in Sociotechnical Internet Research: A hands-on workshop: Billiard Room
-Critical Internet Theory: Dining Room
-Education and Research in Second Life: Living Room

Twitter Information:
For updated information about the conference, subscribe to our Tweet stream at: www.twitter.com/ir10.  The hash tag for the conference will be #ir10 if you’d like to follow everyone else’s updates!

Getting together before the conference “officially” begins:
For those of you arriving Tuesday night, places nearby that we would suggest getting together are the Old German Beer Hall (oldgermanbeerhall.com) or Turner Hall (historicturner.com).  
On Wednesday night from 7-10pm, we have reserved the downstairs bar area of the Milwaukee Ale House (http://ale-house.com/alehouse/)!  This is right on the Milwaukee River, about six blocks from the conference hotel.  If the weather is nice, they will also allow us to spill out on the deck.  There will be three menu options for dinner, all options for appetizers, and they brew their own beer!  This will be on your own monetarily, unfortunately – and will be a cash only event.  We REALLY hope to see a lot of you there!  It will be a really great informal way of breaking the ice before we all have to pretend to be professional.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me (Erin) at 612-701-3714 or Elizabeth at 414-614-3266 (but preferably before 5pm US central time) – or email ehvizdak at uwm.edu.

Thanks everyone, looking forward to next week!!

Erin Hvizdak

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