[Air-L] CFP: CHI Workshop on Microblogging

danah boyd aoir.z3z at danah.org
Wed Oct 21 21:29:28 PDT 2009

Unfortunately, CHI is very expensive.  I find this deeply frustrating  
about it as a conference.  For those who are unfamiliar with CHI as a  
conference, it comes out of the history of CS conferences where  
conferences are the top tier publication venue in the area.   
Conference papers are highly competitive and it's considered to be the  
top place to publish work in the area of Human-Computer Interaction.   
If you're not familiar with HCI or CHI in particular, I'd recommend  
checking out the conference website: http://www.chi2010.org/

A workshop at a CS-style conference is meant to bring people together  
working in a similar area before they are ready to publish conference  
quality papers (which in this case equals journal quality papers).   
Workshop proposals are peer reviewed which means that the organizers  
of the CHI conference think that this would be an interesting endeavor  
for the diverse audience that comes to CHI.  But the participants come  
together to talk about the things they are working on and the  
struggles they face.

Yes, Julia and I both work in corporate research labs.  But we are  
scholars whose work is primarily public-facing; we're evaluated based  
on our publication track record and a workshop is meant to create and  
hold space for conversations, not develop private knowledge.  We're  
organizing this because we think that it is interesting and important  
and we want to create room for those working in this area to come  
together and think about research in this space.  This has nothing to  
do with either of our institutions.  Yes, Microsoft and IBM have  
research labs because they believe that they can benefit by having  
researchers in-house, but no, this workshop is not a Microsoft or IBM  
sponsored or organized event.  These are just our affiliations.

I realize that corporate research labs and CS conference culture are  
alien to those outside of computer science, but this is not some evil  
plot by the corporate overlords.  I'm posting this on AOIR rather than  
just posting it to the traditional CS lists because I'd love to get  
more social scientists and humanists involved in these conversations.   
Because of its costs, CHI might not be the right place for everyone,  
but perhaps there are borderline folks here who have been thinking of  
attending CHI and would be interested in such an event.  If not, my  
apologies for spamming.


On Oct 20, 2009, at 8:02 AM, M. Deanya Lattimore wrote:

> So wait -- this conference would cost me almost $500 in registration
> fees if I were accepted to present?  And both IBM and Microsoft stand
> to benefit from my work?
> Is there anything what's *not* a catch?
> -- Deanya
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:05 AM, danah boyd <aoir.z3z at danah.org>  
> wrote:
>> CHI 2010 Workshop
>> Atlanta, Georgia, USA
>> Saturday, April 11, 2010
>> Workshop Site: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~julia/chi2010.html
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Julia Grace, IBM Research, Almaden
>> Dejin Zhao, Penn State University, University Park
>> danah boyd, Microsoft Research, New England
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Communication via short, real-time message broadcast, also known as
>> microblogging, is relatively a new communication channel for people  
>> to share
>> information. We use microblogging as an umbrella term to include  
>> status
>> updates from social networks such as Facebook, and message-exchange  
>> services
>> such as Twitter. Recent research has shown that people employ these  
>> services
>> to share informal information they would likely not otherwise publish
>> through other mediums (i.e., email, phone, IM, or weblogs).  
>> Microblogging
>> has become quite popular quickly, catching researchers’ interests  
>> as both a
>> means of public, social information exchange, and a medium for  
>> collaboration
>> and communication in the work context.
>> The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and
>> practitioners from academia and industry to exchange insights into  
>> how
>> microblogs are used in enterprises, academic and social settings,  
>> developing
>> an agenda for what and how we can learn from and better study this
>> phenomenon.
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> ** Submission deadline: January 6, 2010 **
>> Participants are asked to submit a 2-page position paper in ACM CHI  
>> Format.
>> We encourage submissions of microblogging research work in both  
>> social
>> context and work settings. Position papers should address specific  
>> research
>> questions of authors' work, methodological approaches,  
>> contributions to the
>> area, important conversations to have for now, and short  
>> biographies for
>> each author. At least one author of each accepted paper needs to  
>> register
>> for the workshop and for one or more days of the conference itself.
>> Please email submissions to chi-2010-microblogging (at)  
>> googlegroups.com
>> using the subject "CHI 2010 Microblogging Workshop Submission".  
>> Submissions
>> are due at midnight PST Jan 6, 2010. We will notify all  
>> participants of
>> acceptance or rejection on January 30th, 2010.
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> -- 
> Deanya Lattimore
> 704/466/3689 home
> 704/406/3209 office
> ABD PhD. Syracuse University
> Adjunct, Gardner-Webb University
> http://www.deanya.com
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/deanya.lattimore
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/deanya
> Diigo: http://www.diigo.com/profile/deanya
> Google Chat: deanyalattimore at gmail.com
> Skype: deanya.lattimore


"taken out of context, i must seem so strange" -- ani

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