[Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive

Tama Leaver tamaleaver at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 01:28:49 PDT 2010


To be fair to TweetDeck (and I presume many other twitter clients) while you
can retweet tweets from private accounts, TweetDeck does issue a warning
before you do so.  I'm not saying everyone would take heed - or even
necessarily read the warning - but there is some mechanism in place to warn
folks if they are moving something ostensibly private into the public
twittersphere.  That doesn't detract from your point, of course, but it is
worth noting that other clients do take steps to try and prevent completely
accidental movement of tweets into the public (and thus the archive in


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Michael Zimmer <zimmerm at uwm.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, Liz.
> So, for the 43% of users who don't use the website, 3rd party apps like
> TweetDeck make it quite easy to RT protected tweets.  See, for example,
> http://support.tweetdeck.com/forums/63876/entries/83047, where it notes
> that the "Edit then Retweet" method places no restrictions on the ability to
> retweet.
> Further, % of users isn't the right way to think about this (a small % of
> users might account for a large proportion of retweets). The key is where do
> the majority of actual retweets take place: on Twitter.com or a 3rd party
> app. I suspect the latter.
> -michael.
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Liz wrote:
> > At least for users of Twitter.com--and today, at the Twitter conference
> Chirp, founder Ev Williams said that 57% of the 105 million users just use
> the website--you can't use the automatic ReTweet feature to resend a
> protected account message.
> >
> > A private account's message can always be cut & pasted & I'm not sure
> about how third party clients handle RTs of protected updates. But Twitter
> has put in some safeguards so it's not easy. You can't ReTweet a protected
> account message by accident.
> >
> > Liz Pullen
> > nwjerseyliz at yahoo.com
> --
Dr Tama Leaver
Lecturer in Internet Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987 Perth WA Australia 6845
Phone: (+61 8) 9266 1258
Fax: (+61 8) 9266 3166
Email: t.leaver at curtin.edu.au
Web: www.tamaleaver.net

CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW)

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