April 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Apr 1 09:09:18 PDT 2010
Ending: Fri Apr 30 08:31:49 PDT 2010
Messages: 147
- [Air-L] 2nd Call for students: UBI Summer School 2010, Oulu, Finland
Marcus Foth
- [Air-L] 3rd Digital Cultures Workshop
Ben Light
- [Air-L] [CFP] Radical Teacher Special Issue: Teaching With Technology
Sarah Roberts
- [Air-L] Advertisement: Digital Natives Research Coordinator @ CIS
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] Affective Fabrics of Digital Cultures: early bird registration ends tomorrow (15 April)
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 69, Issue 2
Rosa Mikeal Martey
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 69, Issue 2
Bradley, Robert
- [Air-L] American Behavioral Scientist Table of Contents for 1 May 2010; Vol. 53, No. 9 (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] AoIR 11.0 conference submission notifications
Mia Consalvo
- [Air-L] AoIR iCS (Information Communication & Society) conference issue is out
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] AoIR iCS (Information Communication & Society) conference issue is out
Matthew Allen
- [Air-L] AoIR iCS (Information Communication & Society) conference issue is out
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] Appel à publication « industries créatives » (rappel)
- [Air-L] Arkansas reporter
Bobby Ampezzan
- [Air-L] Berkman Center Literature review about youth and privacy
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] Call: Six postdoctoral fellowships in the digital humanities at HUMlab
Patrik Svensson
- [Air-L] Call for Guest Editor/s: Policy and Internet Special Issue (2011)
David Sutcliffe
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: 4th Vienna Games Conference "Future and Reality of Gaming - F.R.O.G. 2010"
Jeffrey Wimmer
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Next Generation edition of Fast Capitalism
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Call for Papers and Participation: HCSNet Workshop on Natural User Interfaces: Multitouch and Gestural Interactions
Aaron Tan
- [Air-L] Cases of police as friends on facebook.
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] CFP - Continuum Special Edition: "Mediated Youth Cultures"
Brady Robards
- [Air-L] cfp: DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media International Confere (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] CFP: International Conference on e-Democracy, Equity and Social Justice 2010
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] CFP: M/C Journal 'waste' Issue
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] CFP: Social Networking and Communities, HICSS 44
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] CFP: The Online Videogame: New Space of Socialization
Maude Bonenfant
- [Air-L] CFP: Workshop on "Finding Synergies Between Texts and Networks" at IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, Minneapolis, August 2010
Jana Diesner
- [Air-L] CFP first regional conference "e-Learning for a changing world: global and local needs" 11-12 June 2010 - Vilnius (Lithuania)
Alexei Krivolap
- [Air-L] CfP Terrorism and New Media Conference
Maura Conway
- [Air-L] Comments as examples of 'public opinion'
Katherine Albury
- [Air-L] Comments as examples of 'public opinion'
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Comments as examples of 'public opinion'
Katherine Albury
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] creating a unique hashtag to track a specific event
Stephanie Jo Kent
- [Air-L] creating a unique hashtag to track a specific event
- [Air-L] creating a unique hashtag to track a specific event
Kathie Gossett
- [Air-L] creating a unique hashtag to track a specific event
kentcon at sover.net
- [Air-L] Deadline approaching: UW-Milwaukee seeking postdoc in Information Policy
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Deadline extension for Academic Mindtrek Conference 2010, Oct 6-8, Tampere, Finland
Olli Sotamaa
- [Air-L] Differentiated Support in the Internet Age
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Do you research "locals online"?
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] eDemocracy Events in 2010
Noella Edelmann
- [Air-L] Final call: PhD course, IT University of Copenhagen, May 26-28
T.L. Taylor
- [Air-L] final call for papers: special issue on war, conflict and commemoration in the age of digital reproduction
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] Final reminder: submission deadline 1 May // special issue of Digital Icons on War, Conflict and Commemoration in the Age of Digital Reproduction
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] FW: Call for papers JOCI Co-creation of technology. Innovation by communities.
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Fwd: <nettime> How you can help the bang.Lab and EDT
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Fwd: HT2010 workshop--using links with meaning
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Fwd: Please complete survey on cataloging/describing of archival sound recordings
Meryl Krieger
- [Air-L] Fwd: Reminder: CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Virtual Community Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary Theories
Honglei Li
- [Air-L] Fwd: Special Issue "Participation in Online Learning Communities"
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total number of blogs in a given region?
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total number ofblogs in a given region?
Scott MacLeod
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total number ofblogs in a given region?
Nick Lalone
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total numberofblogs in a given region?
Scott MacLeod
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total numberofblogs in a given region?
Michael Lee
- [Air-L] How do you collect information about the total number of blogs in a given region?
martin dodge
- [Air-L] ICANN Fellowship Webinar: 28 April
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] Information: Call for Papers: HICSS Minitrack on Global Virtual Teams
Derrick L. Cogburn
- [Air-L] Information Interaction in Context Doctoral Consortium
Fred Stutzman
- [Air-L] Input on the state of Pakistan's ICT
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] Internet and Change - Book Announcement
John Postill
- [Air-L] Internet and Change - Book Announcement
elham gheytanchi
- [Air-L] Invitation to participate in the second PEP-NET online discourse
Noella Edelmann
- [Air-L] IR 11.0 REVIEWERS - DEADLINE today
Torill Mortensen
- [Air-L] JITP 2010: Politics of Open Source - May 6 & 7, 2010 - Regular registration is open until April 21
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Last Call for Entries (18/4/2010): EuroITV 2010 Grand Challenge Competition - EUR 3.000 Price Sum
Lugmayr Artur
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Richard Forno
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
camille pb
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Tama Leaver
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
paul jones
- [Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive
Jacob Kramer-Duffield
- [Air-L] LOC Twitter Archive, Deja all over again?
Jay Hauben
- [Air-L] Looking for readings on mobile computing and/or touch-screen interfaces
Jason Mittell
- [Air-L] mails acceptances
gaby david
- [Air-L] NEW BOOK: Letters, Postcards, Email: Technologies of presence
belinda at senet.com.au
- [Air-L] New book: WEB HISTORY
Brügger Niels
- [Air-L] NEW BOOK on digital technology, ideology, and the new capitalism
Eran Fisher
- [Air-L] New Media Theory conference on Twitter
Johnson, T
- [Air-L] Online Engagement Metrics
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] Online Engagement Metrics
Bradley, Robert
- [Air-L] PhD scholarships in Information Systems, University of Agder
Marius Johannessen
- [Air-L] PhD students in HCI/Media Technology
Stefan Hrastinski
- [Air-L] post-AoIR games research ethics workshop - Oct. 25-26, 2010
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Pre-Registration MEA Convention Maine June 10-13, 2010
Janet Sternberg
- [Air-L] Q: Twitter text logs?
- [Air-L] QUT Urban Informatics iPhone app DispoMaps v2 now available
Marcus Foth
- [Air-L] Reminder: CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Virtual Community Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary Theories
Honglei Li
- [Air-L] Reminder: Call for Papers, "New Groups and New Methods? The Ethnography and Qualitative Research of Online Groups"
- [Air-L] Reminder: CFP "Revise: The Art and Science of Contemporary Remix Culture" 2-3 December
Katie Freund
- [Air-L] Reminder: CFP: Online Videogames: New Space of Socialization
Maude Bonenfant
- [Air-L] Reminder: Final Call for Paying Attention - 6-10 September, 2010
Nick Triggs
- [Air-L] Research around digital divide in Computer mediated communication by speech-impaired
Pavan Garre
- [Air-L] Research on the Webby Awards?
Janna Anderson
- [Air-L] SAS announcing a social media analytics platform today. Webcast at 11 am EST.
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] satire on social networks
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] senior lecturer in news media at University of Sussex
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-L] SL internship at siemens 3-6m
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Submission Deadline Extended: 3rd ICTs-and-Society Meeting - June 29 - July 2, Barcelona
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Submissions to mLIfe 2010 - EURO mGOV, mSOCIETY and mDEVELOPMENT 2010
Prof. I. Kushchu
- [Air-L] Submissions to Mobile Life Conferences
Prof. I Kushchu
- [Air-L] Support Ibrahim Quereshi at the Obama-White House Summit for PayPal Pakistan Campaign
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] SURVEY: Scientific Publishing and Web 2.0
Ponte, Diego
- [Air-L] thanks Rosa, I'm back to myself
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] the case for critical commons
Lokman Tsui
- [Air-L] the case for critical commons
Eleonora Panto
- [Air-L] the case for critical commons
Eleonora Panto
- [Air-L] The Communication Review Call for Papers: “Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissent”
Tatiana Omeltchenko
- [Air-L] The International School on Digital Transformation July 25-30, Porto, Portugal
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Thoughts on IRB and identity of researcher.
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Thoughts on IRB and identity of researcher.
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-L] Thoughts on IRB and identity of researcher.
Matthew Bernius
- [Air-L] To the other side of the digital divide - ipad anyone?
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] To the other side of the digital divide - ipad anyone?
Nick Lalone
- [Air-L] To the other side of the digital divide - ipad anyone?
Mark Warschauer
- [Air-L] Tumblr Networks
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Twitter Chirp Conference
- [Air-L] Twitter Export App for Mac?
Theodore Plothe
- [Air-L] Twitter Export App for Mac?
Reynol Junco
- [Air-L] Twitter Export App for Mac?
David Jones
- [Air-L] Twitter Export App for Mac?
Theodore Plothe
- [Air-L] University of Denver Media Studies Postdoc
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] UW-Milwaukee seeking postdoc in Information Policy
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] videos of wikipedia research conference now available online
geert lovink
- [Air-L] virtual institute for online research this summer...
Bradley, Robert
- [Air-L] Virtual Lab, call for bids
Frans Mäyrä
- [Air-L] Web Site Analysis Methdology
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] Web Site Analysis Methdology
Zhang Yiqiong
- [Air-L] Wikimania 2010: Call for Participation is there!
Marcin Cieslak
- [Air-L] WikiSym 2010 Doctoral Symposium
Felipe Ortega
- [Air-L] Youth, Privacy, and Reputation Literature Review
danah boyd
- [Air-L] Call for Workshops and Tutorials: ICITST-2010!
g.akmayeva at icitst.org
- [Air-L] ‘World Internet Policy Project (WIP2) Workshop' ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal (6 July 2010) Call for papers
gustavo cardoso
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 08:31:49 PDT 2010
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:37:32 PDT 2024
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