[Air-L] Library of Congress Acquires Entire (Public) Twitter Archive

Michael Zimmer zimmerm at uwm.edu
Wed Apr 14 19:25:22 PDT 2010

Thanks, Liz.

So, for the 43% of users who don't use the website, 3rd party apps like TweetDeck make it quite easy to RT protected tweets.  See, for example, http://support.tweetdeck.com/forums/63876/entries/83047, where it notes that the "Edit then Retweet" method places no restrictions on the ability to retweet.

Further, % of users isn't the right way to think about this (a small % of users might account for a large proportion of retweets). The key is where do the majority of actual retweets take place: on Twitter.com or a 3rd party app. I suspect the latter.


On Apr 14, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Liz wrote:

> At least for users of Twitter.com--and today, at the Twitter conference Chirp, founder Ev Williams said that 57% of the 105 million users just use the website--you can't use the automatic ReTweet feature to resend a protected account message. 
> A private account's message can always be cut & pasted & I'm not sure about how third party clients handle RTs of protected updates. But Twitter has put in some safeguards so it's not easy. You can't ReTweet a protected account message by accident.
> Liz Pullen
> nwjerseyliz at yahoo.com
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