[Air-L] Unlock the Power of Social Media:Two free Webinar Training Sessions Thursday

Stuart Shulman stuart.shulman at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 10:18:34 PST 2010

Unlock the Power of Social Media: Learn to Use DiscoverText

Two Free Training Sessions this Thursday:

Thu, Dec 16, 2010 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Registration Web Link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/706213584

Thu, Dec 23, 2010 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Registration Web Link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/471866081

This free Webinar introduces users to the powerful tools for archiving,
searching and sorting text from social media, such as blogs, Facebook and
Twitter, via DiscoverText (http://discovertext.com).

The data-mining made possible with open Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs) eases the collection, archiving and sorting of text via Twitter and
the Facebook Graph APIs, or generic RSS feeds. Texifter now offers
DiscoverText, a universal, multilingual capable, Web-based, user-centered
text repository with extremely low barriers to entry in terms of cost, time
& training.

Our systems make it possible to crowd source data analysis in novel ways,
leveraging peer relationships and Web-verifiable credentials. Ingesting
millions of items from social media, email and electronic document
repositories is easier, and advanced social search leveraging metadata,
networks, credentials and filters will fundamentally change the way users
interact with text data.

You can try DiscoverText free for 30 days with no obligation. Login via your
Facebook credentials to access the Graph API. The technology is based on
10-years of NSF-funded research into building better, more reliable and
intuitive systems for sorting large amounts of text.


Stuart Shulman
President & CEO
Texifter, LLC


Stuart Shulman
President & CEO
Texifter, LLC <http://www.texifter.com/>

Have you tried DiscoverText?
*Featuring the Facebook Graph & Twitter APIs*

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