[Air-L] Fwd: 2010 Sydney Symposium

Akesha akesha at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 13:34:20 PDT 2010



> I would like to invite you to an event on 26-29th July here at
> Macquarie University that is designed to gather together the current
> thinking about teacher education and school leader education from
> around the world. The intent is to apply that wealth of knowledge and
> experience to the question of creating a vision for the most
> appropriate forms of teacher and school leader preparation for the
> 21st century.
> It is a working conference with the goal of developing a series of
> policy recommendations for decisions makers, politicians, business and
> corporate agencies and program developers to consider as necessary
> inclusions in programs of professional preparation for 21st century
> teachers and school leaders.
> If you know others who might be interested or able to contribute,
> please forward this file to them and encourage their participation or
> development of a contribution to the event.
> Happy to provide further details should you be interested in pursuing
> this further.
> Warm Regards,
> Ian
> Professor Ian W. Gibson, Ph.D.
> Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation Chair in Education
> Learning, Leading, and Teaching Futures
> Department of Education
> Faculty of Human Sciences
> Macquarie University, Sydney
> New South Wales, 2109
> Australia
> ian.gibson at mq.edu.au
> + (0)2 9850 9816 (phone)

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