[Air-L] Public perception of virtual worlds, gamers/users

Alejandro Tortolini alemtor at gmail.com
Thu May 13 09:55:14 PDT 2010

Dear CarrieLynn:
I know the works of Celia Pierce, a researcher and active game player,
member of a community that suffered a diaspore when its servers went
Here you have some links:
"Communities of Play: The Social Construction of Identity in
Persistent Online Game Worlds"
"Communities of play: the Uru Diaspora" http://cpandfriends.com/?p=47
About Celia Pierce (interview):


Alejandro Tortolini
Science and technology journalist

2010/5/13, CarrieLynn D. Reinhard <carrie at ruc.dk>:
> I am trying to find any literature -- from academics, practitioners, or
> journalists -- that discusses how the general public perceives, thinks and
> talks about virtual worlds, online games, and the people who play/use them.
> Thus, the stereotypes the public has about what these things are and what
> kind of people engage with them.
> Does anyone know of any resources I can turn to?
>  CarrieLynn D. Reinhard, PhD
> Virtual Worlds Research Group
> http://worlds.ruc.dk/
> Roskilde University
> Department of Communication, Business, and Information Technologies
> Building 43.3
> Kommunikationsvej 1
> DK-4000 Roskilde
> mbl: + 2280 5128
> "If we understand that everyone is connected to everyone else in some way or
> another, it makes it hard to hurt any single one person, for who knows if we
> might unwittingly hurt someone we love." - CDR 9/20/02
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