[Air-L] Best practices for e-learning

Pam Brewer brewerpe at appstate.edu
Thu Sep 2 13:39:41 PDT 2010


One excellent resource is /Online Education, /edited by Kelli Cargile 
Cook and Keith Grant-Davie.  They are also preparing a new collection 
that, I believe, will be out soon. 

Also valuable is Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, 
K. (2009). /Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning:  
A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies/. Washington D.C.: 
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy 
Development.   This is a meta-analysis of online education research.

I have an article coming out in the December issue of /Transactions on 
Professional Communication /entitled "Miscommunication in International 
Virtual Workplaces" that may also help.

Finally, I can share a few tips based on my teaching online.  I believe 
it is a critical step to have a regular synchronous meeting as well as 
asynchronous activities. 

This rich mixture of technology provides the best results.  I also try 
for one f2f meeting to kick things off though this isn't always 
possible.  Finally, I emphasize meta-communication throughout the 
class--discussing the communication and how it is going--what's working 
and what isn't.



Pamela Estes Brewer
Assistant Professor
Director, Writing and Editing Internships
Department of English
Appalachian State University
Manager, STC Academic Special Interest Group
phone 828-262-2351
fax  828-262-2133
email  brewerpe at appstate.edu

Denise N. Rall wrote:
> An oldie, but a goodie - especially on getting reluctant students to participate, etc.
> Palloff, R. M. and K. Pratt (1999). Building learning communities in cyberspace: Effective strategies for the online classroom. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
> Denise
> Denise N. Rall, PhD. Special Projects, Faculty of Arts & Science  
> Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW AUSTRALIA Mobile +(61)(0)438 233344 http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/esm/staff/pages/drall/
> Popular Culture Association of Australia & New Zealand
> POPCAANZ Conf. Auckland, New Zealand July 2011
> --- On Tue, 31/8/10, Holly Kruse <holly.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Holly Kruse <holly.kruse at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [Air-L] Best practices for e-learning
>> To: air-l at aoir.org
>> Received: Tuesday, 31 August, 2010, 3:16 AM
>> Hi all:
>> For the first time ever, I'll will be teaching an online
>> class.  It's an undergraduate communication theory
>> class, and it will be offered next semester.  There is
>> a huge amount of stuff that I need to learn, but mostly what
>> I know at this point is that there are lots of bad online
>> classes.  So I'm wondering what practices make for a
>> good online class?  If there are any resources to which
>> someone could point me, I'd be very grateful.
>> Thanks!
>> Holly
>> ----
>> Holly Kruse, Ph.D.
>> Department of Communications
>> Rogers State University
>> 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
>> Claremore, OK 74017
>> 918-343-7879
>> hkruse at rsu.edu or
>> holly.kruse at gmail.com
>> http://hollykruse.com or http://www.rsu.edu/academics/comm/kruse.asp
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