[Air-L] Theories of computer networks

Andrew Herman aherman at wlu.ca
Mon Sep 6 06:44:12 PDT 2010

Yes, Beniger is a classic.
And don't forget Alexander Galloway, Protocol (2002)

Andrew Herman, Ph. D.
Associate Professor and Chairperson
Department of Communication Studies
Graduate Program in Cultural Analysis and Social Theory
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
519 884-1970 x3693

>>> Eran Fisher <eranfisher at gmail.com> 09/06/10 1:54 AM >>>
a classical reading in this vein:
Beniger, James. 1986. The control revolution: Technological and economic
origins of the
information society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

this might also be helpful:
Mattelart, Armand. 2003. The information society: An introduction. Thousand
CA: Sage.

cheers, Eran

Eran Fisher, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kreitman School for Advanced Graduate Studies
Department of Communication Studies
Ben Gurion University, Israel

*New book*: Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age: The Spirit of
Networks (Palgrave, 2010)

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Holly Kruse <holly.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all:
> I'm curious: what are recommended sources for social and cultural theories
> of computer networks?: specifically, social theories having to do with the
> technology's expansion across space.  I'm need to make a fairly explicit
> analogy between the social implications of the historical
> development/organization and colonization of space of computer networks and
> another, older communication technology.  I don't need to make analogies to
> other older communication technologies (writing, print, telegraph,
> telephone, radio, TV, etc. – or phonograph, on which I've written.  I pretty
> familiar with that literature).  For purposes of this project, I just need
> sources on computer networks.  I probably need to re-read Castells, because
> it's been a while.  Anything else?
> Thanks!
> Holly
> ----
> Holly Kruse
> Department of Communications
> Rogers State University
> 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
> Claremore, OK 74017
> 918-343-7879
> hkruse at rsu.edu or holly.kruse at gmail.com
> http://hollykruse.com or http://www.rsu.edu/academics/comm/kruse.asp
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