[Air-L] Graduate programs for "internet studies"?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Sep 29 10:24:27 PDT 2010

The easy starting point is Wikipedia:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_studies    Bunch of schools listed there, many of whom are represented on this list and will chime in to mention their own respective programs/schools.

As for me, I'm partial to the PhD program in Internet Studies at Curtin University of Technology.  ;)



On Sep 29, 2010, at 12:52 , Devin Gaffney wrote:

> Hey all,
> I just finished an exhilarating undergraduate program that gave me enough flexibility in order to study the impact/efficacy of Twitter during the Iran Election(http://www.devingaffney.com/-iranelection-quantifying-online-activism), but in order to pull it off, I had to really bend some of the institutions rules, and just barely got the necessary advisorship in order to study it in a reasonable way. I am looking to jump right back into school for the following academic year, and am trying to figure out which schools have which programs - it seems that the information/websites for all the programs that do exist are well ensconced within their respective institutions websites, which tend towards labyrinthine. Does anyone have a good list of institutions (US/elsewhere) where a Masters/PhD in fields either directly or otherwise closely related to "internet studies" (or "web science," or whatever term you use, as this even seems to be up in the air, as far as I can tell)? Obviously, there are places like Citizenlab, Berkman, and OII, which all seem to at least offer classes in some capacity, but are there any others i just haven't found?
> Thanks much,
> Devin Gaffney
> http://www.devingaffney.com
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