[Air-L] Georgetown CCT Faculty Hire

Ulf-Dietrich Reips u.reips at ikerbasque.org
Wed Jul 27 07:03:10 PDT 2011

Hey danah,
thanks for this, I'll be happy to forward it. Quick question: what is 
meant by "key technologies in the post-Internet ... environment"? Is 
this some kind of reference to the upcoming return to tin can 
telephones, drums, etc. that will happen after the US defaults next 

Best --u

At 9:21 Uhr -0400 27.7.2011, danah boyd wrote:
>Technology Studies
>The Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT) M.A. program at
>Georgetown University focuses on the ways that new technologies of
>communication and digital media are reshaping human experience on all
>levels from the local to the global, and how these technologies are
>redefining the practice of science, research, education, government,
>media, business, and culture and the arts more broadly.  The CCT
>Program is now redefining its emphasis on technology and technology
>studies, including developing a new lab, which will be a hub of
>technology knowledge, discovery, and research, connecting CCT and
>Georgetown to the larger world of practice and innovation in all
>sectors. The new lab will provide a means for CCT to create
>partnerships with leading private sector information organizations
>developing innovations in digital media, knowledge management, and
>Internet applications; to remain at the forefront of research by
>creating relationships with initiatives in the Digital Humanities and
>the Information Schools; and push forward the boundaries of knowledge
>through external support by agencies and foundations such as NSF and
>As a major step toward accomplishing this larger mission for CCT, the
>program seeks to appoint a tenure-track Assistant Professor with a
>solid knowledge of the key technologies in the post-Internet and
>digital media environment, and with interdisciplinary expertise in the
>study of technology, including history, theory, and current
>methodologies. Applicants must be proficient in teaching the technical
>aspects of how technologies work and how such technologies are
>employed in communication-related fields.  The appointee will be
>expected to help teach a new Fundamentals of Technology course, a core
>course in the CCT curriculum, with a focus on the practicum component.
>Georgetown University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
>employer and strongly encourages applications from women and minority
>candidates as part of its commitment to professional excellence and
>diversity.  Please send application letter/statement of interest,
>c.v., and the names of three referees to cctjobs at georgetown.edu by 15
>September 2011.
>David Ribes
>Assistant Professor
>Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT)
>Georgetown University
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