[Air-L] Email address at twitter for data questions

Amanda Lenhart alenhart at pewinternet.org
Fri Jun 17 06:30:36 PDT 2011

I think this is exactly the question to ask Twitter directly, though I would assume that this is only an email address (and thus access to the organization itself) and not any promise on the part of Twitter to change its TOS.

The LoC also clearly has plans to make their Gnip feed available to researchers, but their timeframe is probably longer than most researchers can handle - access for researchers in the next 4-5 months, but access only to older tweets, and only, at least initially, through LoC staff.


Amanda Lenhart
Pew Research Center

From: Alex Leavitt [mailto:alexleavitt at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:56 PM
To: Amanda Lenhart
Cc: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Email address at twitter for data questions

Sorry if that came off as snarky. It was a roundabout -- albeit poor -- way of inferring if this might perhaps be a starting point in time to inquire about LoC plans or if there are perhaps other considerations about giving researchers a bit more access to data than has been available (to me, it seems like that might have been suggested in the "all" and "don't share datasets" phrasing).


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Alex Leavitt <alexleavitt at gmail.com<mailto:alexleavitt at gmail.com>> wrote:
By "all," I assume they mean within the current limits imposed by their policies (and not literally "all")?



Alexander Leavitt
PhD Student
USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
Twitter: @alexleavitt

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Amanda Lenhart <alenhart at pewinternet.org<mailto:alenhart at pewinternet.org>> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I just got an email from my friend at Twitter, and they've gone ahead and set up an email address for academic researchers to use when they have questions about Twitter data.

Here's the text from her email:

"We now have a dedicated email address for researchers who have
questions about how to use our API to help them get Twitter data and
use it in accordance with our TOS. Feel free to direct people to
api-research at twitter.com<mailto:api-research at twitter.com> now; we'll be doing so with the phrase "If
you have questions on how to use the Twitter API to gather data for
your research, or what you can do with this data, email
api-research at twitter.com<mailto:api-research at twitter.com>."

Topics we can help with include how to get all Tweets containing a
keyword, how to get all Tweets from a date range, how to get all
Tweets from a user, our guidelines around sharing datasets (namely,
don't), and how to show Tweets in your final report.

Hopefully this will help!"

Indeed, hopefully this will help. Very glad there is now this dedicated point of contact.


Amanda Lenhart
Pew Research Center
alenhart at pewinternet.org<mailto:alenhart at pewinternet.org>

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