[Air-L] media and social change networks?

Annette Markham amarkham at gmail.com
Mon May 30 02:40:08 PDT 2011

Hi All,

I'm trying to get a sense of what research collectives/networks focus
specifically on media and social change. If you know of any, could you post
to this list?

I realize this is a huge category, but I'm trying to get a sense of how this
general topic is being approached, either within-discipline, across
disciplines, or outside academia. My query is deliberately vague to try to
generate the breadth of this topic area.

(I also ask because I just returned from a workshop focused on creating a
research network on media and social change within media anthropology and
I'd like to ascertain how closely this network would align with other

Thanks for anything you provide.  I'd be happy to share a collection of
anything that emerges from this inquiry.


Annette N. Markham, Ph.D.
Guest Professor
  Institute for Communication & Media Studies
  Centre for Internet Research
  Aarhus University, Denmark
Senior Research Fellow, Internet Research Ethics
  Center for Information Policy Research
  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
amarkham at gmail.com

Co-Editor, International Journal of Internet Research Ethics

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