[Air-L] Reminder: CCI Winter School, June 2012, closing 7 Feb

Jean Burgess je.burgess at qut.edu.au
Wed Feb 1 18:18:32 PST 2012

We are delighted to announce the inaugural CCI Winter School
<http://www.cciwinterschool.org/> to be held in Brisbane, Australia from
21-27 June 2012, and hosted by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative
Industries and Innovation <http://www.cci.edu.au/> (CCI). The Winter
School will offer selected doctoral students and early career researchers
a week-long program of interdisciplinary study, collaboration and social
interaction in the broad area of creative industries and innovation
research, drawing on the Centre's expertise in media, cultural and
communication studies, economics, policy, education and law, in relation
to the creative economy.

Approximately 30 participants will be selected via a competitive process.
Successful applicants will work with leading international researchers,
engage in intensive workshop activities and receive direct feedback and
individual mentoring on their own work. Social activities will provide
additional opportunities for participants to get to know each other and
form collaborative relationships that will benefit them for years to come.
Applications close on 7 February 2012.

We welcome applications from emerging scholars working on related topics
in the social sciences and humanities, including but not limited to:
* Cultural, media and creative industries policy
* Digital society
* Community arts and media
* New business models in the creative economy
* Innovation studies
* Economics of the creative industries
* The creative industries in Asia
* Transmedia
* Internet studies
* Copyright and intellectual property
* The challenges of 'big data'
* Creative workforce careers

For further details please visit http://cciwinterschool.org

-- -- --
Dr Jean Burgess

Deputy Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries &

Creative Industries Faculty
Queensland University of Technology

Phone: +61 3138 8253
Twitter: @jeanburgess http://twitter.com/jeanburgess

Personal blog:
Mapping Online Publics project website: http://mappingonlinepublics.net
Digital Storytelling at QUT http://digitalstorytelling.ci.qut.edu.au

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