February 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Feb 1 03:58:21 PST 2012
Ending: Wed Feb 29 18:33:32 PST 2012
Messages: 218
- [Air-L] Call for Papers : Academic Research into Wikipedia
Eduard Aibar Puentes
- [Air-L] IADIS e-COMMERCE 2012 - Call for papers
Johann Hoechtl
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
katie vizenor
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
AureA Memotech
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
katie vizenor
- [Air-L] connexions: issue 1(1) CFP extension, and a thank you note
rosario durao
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
Mark Chen
- [Air-L] WikiSym CFP: 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Heather Ford
- [Air-L] new book - Social Media and Democracy
Dan Mercea
- [Air-L] Journal Boycott Grows
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Friendly Reminder: Submissions for Stage Two (Badge Design and Tech) of the Teacher Mastery & Feedback Competition Due Friday, February 3, 2012
Sheryl Grant
- [Air-L] tenure track positions at NJIT
Michael Bieber
- [Air-L] Benefits & Drawbacks of teaching in Second Life
CarrieLynn Reinhard
- [Air-L] Benefits & Drawbacks of teaching in Second Life
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] Two Lecture positions in Digital Anthropology at University College London
Heather Horst
- [Air-L] Reminder: CCI Winter School, June 2012, closing 7 Feb
Jean Burgess
- [Air-L] CFP. DIS 2012 WORKSHOP. Food for Thought: Designing for Critical Reflection on Food Practices
Jaz Choi
- [Air-L] Reminder: CfP IAMCR CP&T Durban 2012
Jo Pierson
- [Air-L] Critical studies of affectivity and internet culturue
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] Critical studies of affectivity and internet culturue
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] Test the Full Twitter Fire Hose
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Critical studies of affectivity and internet culturue
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-L] 2012 Christians Ethics Research Award Call
Shing-Ling (Sarina) Chen
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] cfp, Law Section, IAMCR
Sandra Braman
- [Air-L] Google privacy policy changes in 2012
Tery G
- [Air-L] message for listserv
Rahul Mitra
- [Air-L] Last Chance to Submit Abstract for Theorizing the Web 2012!
PJ Rey
- [Air-L] What governments have programs/initiatives/funds to support "net activism"?
Muzammil M. Hussain
- [Air-L] Webology: Volume 8, Number 2
Alireza Noruzi
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: CIRC at USC Annenberg
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Google privacy policy changes in 2012
Jodi Schneider
- [Air-L] LGBTQ Internet/Social Networking Data Sets
Kelsey Brannan
- [Air-L] LGBTQ Internet/Social Networking Data Sets
Todd Harper
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
Tabitha Hart
- [Air-L] Electronic Textbooks
Michelle Everson
- [Air-L] Electronic Textbooks
Alex Kuskis
- [Air-L] Electronic Textbooks
- [Air-L] Journal of Community Informatics Special Issue: Research in Action: Linking Communities and Universities
Cristian Berrio Zapata
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview invirtual worlds (Tabitha Hart)
Anna-Kaisa Sjölund
- [Air-L] Electronic Textbooks
Nick Jankowski
- [Air-L] Swinburne seeks a Professor of Industrial Design
Ken Friedman
- [Air-L] REMINDER: Gender and neo-liberal entrepreneurship in blogs from the Iranian diaspora’, launch for FR 99 at Sussex
Aristea Fotopoulou
- [Air-L] Software for recording focus groups and interview in virtual worlds
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] FW: Wednesday February 8th Ottawa - (Un)Lawful Access Legislation - Ottawa Forum
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] CFP MCIS 2012 Track on Real Virtual Worlds and Serious Games
Tzafnat Shpak
- [Air-L] About those focus groups and interviews invirtual worlds
Janet Salmons, Ph.D.
- [Air-L] Welcome to the International Journal of McLuhan Studies(Online Version)
Alex Kuskis
J. Stewart
- [Air-L] AoIR Book Award (submissions due March 1)
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] 2012 AoIR Dissertation Award (submissions due March 1)
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Tablet Computer Ethnographies
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-L] 2012 AoIR Dissertation Award (submissions due March 1)
Kendall, Lori
- [Air-L] 2012 Summer Research Institute for the Science of Socio-Technical Systems
Andrea H. Tapia
- [Air-L] CfP 4S/EASST 2012, open panel "Childhood, Values and Digitisation"
Sprenkels, IECM (Isolde)
- [Air-L] Extension of deadline, 21 Feb: DiGRA Nordic 2012
Frans Mäyrä
- [Air-L] Articles regarding the history of web penetration in Latin America. Do you know any sources?
Cristian Berrio Zapata
- [Air-L] Searching about teaching in virtual worlds
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] Searching about teaching in virtual worlds
Janet Salmons, Ph.D.
- [Air-L] Fw: [cpsj-l] CPS for journals and books - Paranormal Culture
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-L] Associate/Full Professor in Digital Humanities at Texas A&M University
Heidi Campbell
- [Air-L] CFP: Second International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA2012)
Fulvio Frati
- [Air-L] CFP: WWW2012 Workshop: Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture (Dec3D2012)
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Air-L] New title on the political economy of digital advertising
Joseph Turow
- [Air-L] An Invitation: Arab Women, Media, and Sexuality Conference
Ebtihal Mahadeen
- [Air-L] research ethics vs journalistic ethics case
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] New Book: Migration and New Media: transnational families and polymedia
Mirca Madianou
- [Air-L] Looking for gendered contributor statistics for online encyclopedias
Kristin Eckert
- [Air-L] IR13 Panel on New Media Materialism/Archeaology
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] CfP - Digcult #12 Conference: Theory, Context and the Internet
Griffiths Marie
- [Air-L] 2nd Call: Conference "Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society"
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Call for chapters: Human centric visualization
Sandra Braman
- [Air-L] Call for Workshops and Tutorials: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2012)!
- [Air-L] Canadian law bill c-11 copyright law and the Internet at committee stage
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Kathleen Stansberry
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Wojciech Gryc
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Dennis Wollersheim
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Donnelly, Karen
- [Air-L] Calling all Cyborgs - NCA 2012 call for papers, projects, panelists, etc.
MacDougall, Robert
- [Air-L] Interest in roundtable interrogating the "crazy bitch" online?
Terri Senft
- [Air-L] Panel on Quantified Self?
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] international confereence, technology and gerontology, invitation for submissions
gene loeb
- [Air-L] Extension deadline Feb 28 - CfP IAMCR CP&T Durban 2012
Jo Pierson
- [Air-L] CATaC'12 - Aarhus - Submission deadline extended
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] ESN-IAMCR CfP Deadline Extension: *February 28th, 2012*
Francesca Musiani
- [Air-L] Correction - CATaC'12
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Taylor, Nicholas A.
- [Air-L] Tool to Download Websites?
Devayani Tirthali
- [Air-L] Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference
Haythornthwaite, Caroline
- [Air-L] AAA Panel on Social Media & Anthropology
Alice Marwick
- [Air-L] OII Summer Doctoral Programme
Victoria Nash
- [Air-L] LSE Summer School International Journalism and Society
S.S.Orgad at lse.ac.uk
- [Air-L] CFP: Articulating Alternatives
Eleftheria L.
- [Air-L] CFP: 4S/EASST 2012, Copenhagen, open panel "New Media, digital identities and transformations of surveillance"
Anders Albrechtslund
- [Air-L] Applications sought for Digital Communication Specialist at Assistant or associate professor level:
Klobucar, Philip A.
- [Air-L] CFP: Panel: Digital Transitions, Comparative Literature Association of Ireland, 28-30 June 2012, Cork
Nina Shiel
- [Air-L] Contacting bloggers - ethics and practicalities
Donnelly, Karen
- [Air-L] IR 13 Panel on the Contexts of Privacy
Quinn, Kelly
- [Air-L] Carl J. Couch Internet Research Award 2012
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] [Fwd: Job Advertisement: Professor or Associate Professor, Global Communication and Media at Central European University]
Dan L. Burk
- [Air-L] Reminder: Call for participation, due Feb 28
Potter, Abigail
- [Air-L] Registration Open: Sexual Cultures Conference
Attwood, Feona
- [Air-L] CC-licensed version of book
Julie Cohen
- [Air-L] CC-licensed version of book
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Ashley Hinck
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Marilou Polymeropoulou
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Scott MacLeod
- [Air-L] Book Announcement - Dungeons, Dragons and Digital Denizens: The Digital Role-playing Game
Gerald Voorhees
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Darryl Woodford
- [Air-L] Early bird registration until February 20th: DGI-Conference 2012 ?Social Media & Web Science?. European Afternoon on March 22nd, Düsseldorf Germany.
Isabella.Peters at uni-duesseldorf.de
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Darryl Woodford
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck)
Jason Zalinger
- [Air-L] A rewrite of our history
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Track at Italian STS conference - INTERNET AND NEW PRODUCTIVE PARADIGMS
Stefano De Paoli
- [Air-L] The OII is recruiting a Big Data Research Officer
David Sutcliffe
- [Air-L] Ethnochat? RE: Air-L Digest, Vol 91, Issue 19
Davis, Boyd
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Sarah Stewart
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Tatyana Lockot
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: Community Informatics in China, a Library Trends special issue
Brian Zelip
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Devayani Tirthali
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Tim Muntinga
- [Air-L] using social media short course
simon collister
- [Air-L] iCS symposium reminder
brian.loader at york.ac.uk
- [Air-L] New Book: Understanding Digital Humanities
David Berry
- [Air-L] Call for posters: Indigenous knowledge conference, Vancouver
Haythornthwaite, Caroline
- [Air-L] Internet Research 13.0: Technologies: submission open
Attwood, Feona
- [Air-L] Research on the effects of the Digital Divide/Digital Inequality
roderick graham
- [Air-L] Research on the effects of the Digital Divide/Digital Inequality
Kelsey Brannan
- [Air-L] New EU project on mobile solutions for migrants integration
Stefano Kluzer
- [Air-L] Job Posting: Discovery Services Librarian, Greenville, NC
Newcomer, Nara
- [Air-L] apology
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Call For Papers CSAA 2012 - Materialities: Economies, Empiricism, & Things
Catherine Driscoll
- [Air-L] apology
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck)
Monica Barratt
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck)
Jason Zalinger
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck)
Monica Barratt
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck)
Jason Zalinger
- [Air-L] apology
Maria Haigh
- [Air-L] DEADLINE EXTENDED: IIPC Doctoral Support Award Feb 29
Potter, Abigail
- [Air-L] Tenure-track job in STS at Stevens Institute of Technology
Andrew Russell
- [Air-L] apology
Robert Cannon
- [Air-L] using social media short course
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-L] Internet studies in India
Mathieu ONeil
- [Air-L] Internet studies in India
Oliver Leistert
- [Air-L] Internet studies in India
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-L] Internet studies in India
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] Deadline Extension! WWW2012 Workshop: Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture (Dec3D2012)
Jankowski, Jacek
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography (Ashley Hinck) (Monica Barratt) (Jason Zalinger)
LaBonte Karen
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
David Toews
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals for Projects to be Funded
Richard Taylor
- [Air-L] Sematic Ambient Media (SAME 2012) @ Pervasive 2012 (Deadline 2nd March - Position Papers) - 5th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
- [Air-L] Respondent needed for NCA panel
Kris M. Markman
- [Air-L] software for online ethnography
Darryl Woodford
- [Air-L] Internet studies in India
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-L] Potential Panel - for #ir13
Light Ben
- [Air-L] CfP: International Workshop on Complex Social Network Analysis (CSNA 2012)
Luca Rossi
- [Air-L] IR13 Roundtable
Andrea Guzman
- [Air-L] Final CfA: Conference "Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society"
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Nune Nikoghosyan
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Carmel Vaisman
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Nathan Franklin
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Nune Nikoghosyan
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Philippa Smith
- [Air-L] Second Call for proposals EARLI SIG 6 & 7 meeting
Beatrice Ligorio
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Danielle Couch
- [Air-L] Update on using social media short course
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Annette Markham
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media (Peter Timusk)
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] seeking advice regarding research on photo-sharing websites
Dan L. Burk
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Morgan Leigh
- [Air-L] Call for Conference Papers: "IPP2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?"
David Sutcliffe
- [Air-L] Difference between social network analysis and analysis of social networks
Norman Pena
- [Air-L] Difference between social network analysis and analysis of social networks
Simone Gabbriellini
- [Air-L] Work with young people
Deller, Ruth A
- [Air-L] looking for references on online conversational analysis and discourse analysis
Wang Airong
- [Air-L] Reminder: CFP- Policy and Internet Special issue on 'Online Collective Action and Policy Change'
Anastasia Kavada
- [Air-L] looking for references on online conversational analysis and discourse analysis
brook bolander
- [Air-L] looking for references on online conversational analysis and discourse analysis
brook bolander
- [Air-L] New Living Book about Life: Extinction by Claire Colebrook
Gary Hall
Attwood, Feona
- [Air-L] Archiving Past Tweets
Kurniawan Saputro
- [Air-L] Seeking references to philosophical perspective on digital culture and social media
Carmel Vaisman
- [Air-L] archiving past tweets
Burns, Kelli
- [Air-L] new degree program
Catherine Brooks
- [Air-L] new degree program
Michael Baron
- [Air-L] new degree program
Matthew Allen
- [Air-L] new degree program
Alexander Furnas
- [Air-L] Difference between social network analysis and analysisof social networks
Norman Pena
- [Air-L] Archiving Past Tweets
Pablo Garaizar Sagarminaga
- [Air-L] Archiving Past Tweets
Pablo Garaizar Sagarminaga
- [Air-L] CfP: ICTs and the Structural Transformation of the Private Sphere
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] new degree program
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] Archiving Past Tweets
Lee Bogner
- [Air-L] senior positions at NJIT (New York City area) - healthcare, big data, cloud, sensors+
Michael Bieber
- [Air-L] Researchers to Introduce New Model of Learning, Connected Learning: Designed to Œmine the new social, digital domain¹
Jon Barilone
- [Air-L] Podcast: Virtually Policy
Ren Reynolds
- [Air-L] Seeking Additional Panelists - IR13: cultures of crafting / technology, regulation, and ethics
Liza Barry-Kessler
- [Air-L] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Fwd: LIVE WEBCAST of a series of ICT learning events at World Bank on February 29 and March 1, 2012
gene loeb
- [Air-L] Archiving Past Tweets
Kurniawan Saputro
- [Air-L] Fwd: [Dbworld] 1st International Workshop on Memetics and Information Evolution MemIE 2012
Jodi Schneider
- [Air-L] Elon University-Pew Internet "Future" survey results for youth question released today
Janna Anderson
- [Air-L] Sharing the recommendations i got for philosophical perspectives on digital culture
Carmel Vaisman
- [Air-L] "Does Nonprofit Electronic Advocacy Work?"
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [Air-L] Sharing the recommendations i got for philosophical perspectives on digital culture
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] Sharing the recommendations i got for philosophical perspectives on digital culture
lior gimel
- [Air-L] CFP: Sketching in Design - Workshop at DIS - Deadline March 23
Eric P. S. Baumer
- [Air-L] Blogpost about Google’s “New“ Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Old Exploitation and User Commodification in a New Ideological Skin
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] ICME 2012 Workshop on (RE)CREATING LIVELY CITIES THROUGH AMBIENT TECHNOLOGIES (Deadline 12th March - Position Papers)
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
Last message date:
Wed Feb 29 18:33:32 PST 2012
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 14:02:51 PDT 2024
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