[Air-L] software for online ethnography

Scott MacLeod helianth at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 16:26:28 PST 2012

Hi Ashley, Marilou and AoIR,

Here's an interesting book on Field Notes -
- which I may add to the subjects below.

And World University & School, (like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course
Ware), has a number of Ethnography & Anthropology, related, wiki
subjects, for sharing of teaching and learning resources, including -




I'm also curious to explore how building virtual worlds, such as in
the 3-D virtual world of ScienceSim, for example, can be made easy and
helpful for anthropologists. I'm planning to build a virtual Harbin
Hot Springs, as virtual, ethnographic field site, for an actual /
virtual comparative ethnographic book about Harbin which I'm writing.
Such virtual worlds allow for group text chat (where one can save the
transcripts) as well as group voice chat, for example.

Here are some thoughts from my blog about what I'm calling
ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy -
- as a novel form of ethnographic practice, involving virtual worlds.
(See also the entries on virtual Harbin, as well).

Let's converse further about this.

Best wishes,


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Marilou Polymeropoulou
<m.polymeropoulou at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ashley,
> I opted to use a private blog which I called e-Fieldnotes. Every conversation with the same person goes to a post, events, videos, other links etc have their own place as well. No one has access except from me and I can access it from wherever I want (I'm conducting online and multi-sited ethnography at the same time so it's very handy). It's also really easy to search by keyword - something which will be handy when I'll be doing the writing up of my dissertation.
> Hope that helps.
> All the best,
> Marilou Polymeropoulou
> Technoaesthetic Ethnomusicologist
> http://mariloup.wordpress.com
> St. Peter's College
> University of Oxford
> Reading for DPhil in Music
> On 17 Feb 2012, at 23:06, Ashley Hinck wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have a recommendation for software to use for online ethnography? I'm looking for something to organize artifacts from a variety of sources, including websites, tumblrs, forums, tweets, interviews, etc. I don't necessarily need the software to help me analyze data, but need something to help manage artifacts from a variety of sources. I've been following the discussion of how best to archive websites, but I was wondering if there might be software that can integrate data from multiple platforms. I'm trying to construct an archive of the online communication of a particular community that uses multiple platforms.
>> Any help would be much appreciated. =)
>> -Ashley
>> --
>> Ashley Hinck
>> Teaching Assistant and PhD Student in Rhetoric
>> Communication Arts Department
>> The University of Wisconsin-Madison
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