[Air-L] Correction - CATaC'12
Charles Ess
charles.ess at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 05:18:03 PST 2012
Dear AoIRists,
With apologies for the error - an astute AoIRist has pointed out that the
link provided in the earlier note about CATaC'12 was incorrect: it should
read <www.catacconference.org>
The same colleague suggested it would be helpful to have some more
information about the conference itself. Certainly - but without wanting to
repeat earlier postings in their entirety, perhaps the following will serve
as a good reminder / pointer:
CATaC¹12 (Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication)
Conference theme: Beyond the digital/cultural divide: in/visibility and new
June 18-20, 2012, at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
A pre-conference field trip will help us explore local sites of historical
and contemporary significance in the development and deployment of diverse
communication technologies.
The conference dinner will feature some of the best of new Scandinavian
cuisine at Nordens Folkekøkken,
Aarhus (<http://www.nordensfolkekokken.dk/>).
Keynote speakers
* Dr. Rasha Abdulla (Associate Professor and Chair of the Journalism & Mass
Communication Department, The American University in Cairo). Provisional
title: ³Lessons from Egypt: the roles and limits of social media in
political activism and transformation.²
* Dr. Randi Markussen (Associate Professor and Head of Group, ³Technologies
in Practice,² IT University of Copenhagen). Provisional title: ³E-Voting
and Public Control of Elections.²
Additional information on thematic questions and topics of interest for
potential papers and panels, along with other relevant conference
information, can be found on the conference website,
Many thanks for the helpful suggestions from our colleague!
- charles
Professor MSO
Media Studies
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Århus N.
mail: <imvce at hum.au.dk>
Professor, Philosophy and Religion
Drury University, Springfield, Missouri 65802 USA
Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23
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