[Air-L] Searching about teaching in virtual worlds

Janet Salmons, Ph.D. jesalmons at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 15:29:01 PST 2012

There are a couple of good, open and free resources on teaching in virtual
worlds. Are you familiar with the

Applied Research in Virtual Environments for Learning is a Special Interest
Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The
ning is open to educators, whether or not they are members of AERA. See:
http://arvelsig.ning.com/ . It is a friendly group-- so post your questions
and join in the discussion. The weekly talks inworld are wonderful! Come
join us...Here is the recent newsletter:

The full website for the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, a peer
reviewed journal, can be found at: http://jvwresearch.org.

Hope that helps!
aka Soleil Lemondrop

*Janet Salmons Ph.D.*
*Capella University School of Business and Technology and Vision2Lead, Inc.
*Site- http://www.vision2lead.com
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