[Air-L] looking for references on online conversational analysis and discourse analysis

brook bolander brookbolander at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 08:43:39 PST 2012

Dear Airong Wang,
I suggest you take a look at the following two special editions in
language at internet for helpful articles which either apply such methods in
online contexts or discuss them:
1) Special issue on data and methods in computer-mediated discourse
analysis, edited by Androutsopoulos and Beisswenger (2008). URL:
In this special issue, the following two articles may be especially useful:

Beisswenger, Michael. 2008. Situated chat analysis as a window to the
user’s perspective: Aspects of temporal and sequential organization. *
Language at internet 5*, article 6. Available at:

 Androutsopoulos, Jannis. 2008. Potentials and limitations of
discourse-centered online ethnography. *Language at Internet 5,* article 8.

2) Special issue on computer-mediated conversation, edited by Susan
Herring. URL for part I:
http://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2010URL for part II:

There is indeed a lack of research on language use and power from a
(socio)linguistic perspective. I faced a similar struggle when writing my
PhD, which is on language and power in blogs.

Kind regards,
Brook Bolander

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Wang Airong <airong.wang at miun.se> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> I am looking for references on online conversational dynamics, who
> initiate the talk, who support the talk, who respond the talk, who end the
> talk, etc. I am trying to see how various factors such as gender, age,
> language proficiency, subject knowledge and culture, all contribute to
> relative power structures in the conversations, especially in 3D virtual
> world. I tried to find some references concerning conversational or
> discourse analysis , but have not got much. Thus, I am very appreciated
> that you have some recommendations especially about conversational or
> discourse analysis for online activities or 3d virtual world activities.
> Best regards,
> Airong Wang
> Doctoral candidate, Sweden
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