[Air-L] 2012 AoIR Dissertation Award (submissions due March 1)

Alex Halavais alex at halavais.net
Tue Feb 7 11:31:20 PST 2012

The Association of Internet Researchers is pleased to announce a new
award for best PhD dissertation in the area of internet-related
research. To be eligible for the 2012 AoIR Dissertation Award, the
dissertation must have been filed in the 2011 calendar year.

In addition to winning a cash prize, the individual will also be
invited to present their research in a session at Internet Research
13.0 at the University of Salford, October 18-21, 2012.

Submissions should be sent in electronic form to Lori Kendall,
loriken at illinois.edu by March 1, 2012. The winner of the award will be
announced in late spring.

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