[Air-L] Difference between social network analysis and analysis of social networks

Simone Gabbriellini simone.gabbriellini at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 05:18:40 PST 2012

dear Norman,

one temptative answer: analysis of social networks often stands for analysis of ONLINE social network. social network analysis (SNA) does not limit itself to online networs. SNA conceives its object as made by nodes and links and use graph and maths tecniques to describe or model such networks of nodes and links.

analysis of social networks does not limit itself to SNA as the only tool to understand its object, it could include data mining, traditional statistics... of course, if you model your online social network as a graph with nodes (users) and links (friendship) and you calculate centrality measures on it, then you are doing SNA inside your analysis of the social network.

Simone Gabbriellini

Sent from my iPhone

Il giorno 27/feb/2012, alle ore 14:00, "Norman Pena" <norman.pena at paulus.net> ha scritto:

> Dear AIR list members,
> I would really appreciate help in finding additional referenced dealing with the differences and/or converegence betweek social network analysis and analysis of social networks.  One such reference could be the work published in 2008 by psychologists Cheryl _Coyl and Heather Vaughn "Social Networking: Communication Revolution or Evolution?" wherein they confirmed, "social networking was not created in the age of the internet but existed even before".
> Thank you.
> Norman Pena
> Doctoral candidate, Pontifical Salesian University
> Rome, Italy 
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