[Air-L] software for online ethnography

Ashley Hinck aahinck at wisc.edu
Fri Feb 17 15:06:47 PST 2012

Hi all,

Does anyone have a recommendation for software to use for online 
ethnography? I'm looking for something to organize artifacts from a 
variety of sources, including websites, tumblrs, forums, tweets, 
interviews, etc. I don't necessarily need the software to help me 
analyze data, but need something to help manage artifacts from a variety 
of sources. I've been following the discussion of how best to archive 
websites, but I was wondering if there might be software that can 
integrate data from multiple platforms. I'm trying to construct an 
archive of the online communication of a particular community that uses 
multiple platforms.

Any help would be much appreciated. =)



Ashley Hinck

Teaching Assistant and PhD Student in Rhetoric

Communication Arts Department

The University of Wisconsin-Madison

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