[Air-L] CFP: Sketching in Design - Workshop at DIS - Deadline March 23

Eric P. S. Baumer ericpsb at cornell.edu
Wed Feb 29 12:56:19 PST 2012

--apologies for cross-posting--

Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation: Sketching as a Case Study in the Blurring 
Lines between Design, Research, and Practice

Workshop at DIS 2012

Do you sketch? Are you prone to doodling? Do you find yourself drawing on 
napkins? While much work has discussed the important role that sketching plays 
in design, less has been done to explore how design methods are working their 
way into other disciplines. We are seeking people who use sketching—for 
developing greater understanding, for conveying ideas as they are being formed, 
for communicating fully formed ideas, or for other reasons—to participate in a 
workshop to better understand the varied roles of sketching in design, research, 
and practice. Participants from all fields, with any skill level or experience 
in sketching, are welcome and encouraged. We are interested in how design 
methods are being adopted, adapted, and appropriated in various disciplines, 
using sketching as a concrete example and focal starting point. This workshop 
will therefore assemble a diverse group of participants to explore the 
methodological, epistemological, and practical issues, such as the tension 
between artifact production and knowledge production, that can arise in such work.

The workshop will involve presentations and discussions on the evolution and 
incorporation of design methods in a variety of disciplines, as well as hands-on 
sketching activities that will give participants the opportunity to try out a 
variety of sketching methods. This workshop seeks to document some of the myriad 
ways in which design methods, including but not limited to sketching, are being 
combined with approaches from other disciplines. Participants will also be 
encouraged to engage in a reflective dialogue examining the ramifications of 
these methodological crossovers and hybrids, both on the individuals involved 
and on their respective fields.

Potential attendees should submit a sketch and a statement. The sketch should 
come from their own work, though it need not be a sketch they have made, simply 
one they use.  The sketch can take any form and is not limited to freehand 
drawings. The statement, up to 2 pages in DIS conference format, should describe 
the role that sketching plays in their work, using the submitted sketch as an 
example. Strong statements will reflect on the methodological issues in, and the 
implications of, using sketching in the author’s own field of work.

Submissions may be sent via email to the organizers (ericpsb and mkh46, both at 

Submission Deadline: March 23, 2012
Notification: April 6, 2012
Workshop Date: June 11, 2012



Eric P. S. Baumer, Communication and Information Science, Cornell University
Megan Halpern, Communication, Cornell University

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