[Air-L] software for online ethnography

Darryl Woodford dp.woodford at qut.edu.au
Sat Feb 18 05:49:11 PST 2012

I wrestled with Devonthink's demo for a while but the migration of data / structures from one to the other wasn't something I wanted to face mid-project. The other issue is that if you're multi-location (home/office/mobile) on different devices, Devonthink didn't seem to have good cloud/sharing functionality.

There's a good (but old) comparison of the two at: http://gigaom.com/apple/faceoff-devonthink-pro-office-vs-evernote-premium/

Thanks for the link though Jeremy -- seems a good time to buy it and store for future use.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 23:28, Jeremy hunsinger wrote:

and devonthink pro just went on sale,

Darryl Woodford
PhD Candidate | Sessional Academic,
Creative Industries Faculty
Queensland University of Technology

E-Mail: darryl at dpwoodford.net<mailto:darryl at dpwoodford.net> | dp.woodford at qut.edu.au<mailto:dp.woodford at qut.edu.au>
Mobile (AU): 0449881920
Skype: santow

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