[Air-L] Call for Abstracts - Future Internet

roderick graham roderickshawngraham at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 2 16:56:42 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

I am currently looking for submissions for a special issue of the online journal Future Internet.

This special issue of Future Internet is dedicated to exploring inequalities between groups in the digital environment.  The “digital environment” here refers to the interconnected online environment, which includes all devices that allow users to go online (mobile phones, desktop computers, tablet computers, some household appliances).  Inequality here refers to disparities in material access and quality of usage between groups.  Papers should explore inequalities in the digital environment between economic classes, racial groups, communities, and other types of social groups and categories.
Some potential topics include inequalities in:

    Material access to the Internet
    Civic and political participation in the online environment
    Digital literacy
    Social capital
    Telecommunications infrastructure between and within nations
    Social support
    Diversity of usage (With respect to both hardware and software)

Much research has been done on the technological and economic aspects of the inequality online, but relatively less has been done on inequalities in content production.  Thus, special interest will be given to papers that explore inequalities in:

    Representative content (web content that reflects the culture or interests of the audience)
    Framing of news stories or events
    The production of racial and ethnic stereotypes

More information can be found on the issue's website: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet/special_issues/digital-inequality

If interested, please email me at rgraham at ric.edu with an abstract or an idea.

Rod Graham
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Rhode Island College

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