[Air-L] Technology-ideology: Interim note + query: comments on "Declaration of Internet Freedom"?

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 22:33:28 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues

First of all, many thanks to the breathtaking number of responses to my
earlier query on technology / ideology.  In particular, in response to
Robert Rattle's comment:
> Might it be possible to compile the input and feed it back to the list at some
> future date?  I'm sure you've received many off list contributions and the
> bibliography would be invaluable.

Of course - but this will take a bit of time; preferring an "opt-in" to an
"opt-out" approach, I'll be in touch with individual respondents to get
their yea/nay on sharing resources so generously shared.

In the meantime - has anyone taken a careful, critical look at the
"Declaration of Internet Freedom" campaign that has popped up this week -


from <http://www.freepress.net/>.

It enjoys the support of the usual (good) suspects.  But I'd be curious to
see what responses AoIRists are making to this?

All best,
Until August 31, 2012: Professor MSO
Media Studies, Institute for Aesthetics and Communication
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14 
8200 Aarhus

>From 1. Sept. 2012: Associate Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
Forskningsparken II
Gaustadalléen 21 
0349  Oslo  Norway

Lifetime member, AoIR

³At vove er at miste fodfæstet for en stund, ikke at vove er at miste
sig selv² [To dare is to lose your footing for an hour; not to dare is to
lose yourself] - Kierkegaard

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