[Air-L] Journal of Peer Production - Announcement

Maurizio maurizio.teli at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 00:14:41 PDT 2012

[Apologies for multiple posts]

“Productive Negation”: the inaugural issue of the Journal of Peer
Production is now published


The Journal of Peer Production scrutinises the contradictions of peer
(collaborative) production. It is thus situated in between grassroots
initiatives and discussions driven by practitioners and activists and the
debates taking place in academia. The inaugural issue's theme, “Productive
negation”, aims to interrogate the role of peer production as a “work of
the negative”, that is to say as a critical force. As the traditional left
is struggling to come up with an adequate response to the mounting crisis
of the capitalist system, contributors propose a range of interpretations
about the relationship between the profit-oriented capitalist mode of
production and the commons-based and oriented mode of peer production. The
Journal of Peer Production also strives to make a small contribution to the
reforming of scientific publishing. Taking a cue from Wikipedia, the
journal publishes original article submissions, reviewers' reports, and
signals indicating how reviewers perceive the revised article. Our ambition
is to make the process of peer reviewing papers more transparent and more

The inaugural issue is coordinated by Mathieu O'Neil. It includes three
research papers, four invited comments and three debate papers:

George Dafermos, Authority in Peer Production: The Emergence of Governance
in the FreeBSD Project

Stefano De Paoli, Vincenzo D’Andrea and Maurizio Teli, Why Free Software Is
Not the Antonym of Commercial Software: Two Case Studies from Corporate and
Volunteer Based Projects

Francesca Musiani, Caring About the Plumbing: On the Importance of
Architectures in Social Studies of (Peer-to-Peer) Technology

Michel Bauwens, From the Theory of Peer Production to the Production of
Peer Production Theory

Jakob Rigi, Peer to Peer Production as the Alternative to Capitalism: A New
Communist Horizon

Christian Siefkes, Beyond Digital Plenty: Building Blocks for Physical Peer

Jean Zin, Changing the System of Production

Stefan Meretz, Peer Production and Societal Transformation: Ten Patterns
Developed by the Oekonux Project

Maurizio Teli, Peer Production and Societal Transformation: A
Practice-Based Perspective

Toni Prug, A Note on Evaluation Processes for Social Phenomena with
Ambitious Claims

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